That Word Is Love : Chapter 1

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That Word Is Love : chapter 1

"One word

Frees us of all the weight and pain of life:

That word is love."

― Sophocles

Shit, my ribs hurt.

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind. I couldn't focus on that. Not right now. From my place backstage I could just see glimpses of the stage and the four judges, seated side-by-side in all their glory. This was it.

I would either make a fool of myself or... well, I wasn't going to win. That much was a given. But I could at least possibly get a respite from- No, Demi, I scolded myself. Not going there.

He was here with me, smiling toothily at everyone who passed us by, playing the part of proud father to the hilt. Every time someone so much as glanced at us, his hand would slide to my waist and rest there gently, radiating the I'm-so-over-the-moon vibe that all the parents here shared while knowing full well he was sending shooting pain through my ribs.

I swallowed and leaned into him when he pushed against my side warningly. I got the message. You're not acting enough. He was a paranoid freak, that's what he was. He was so afraid of someone finding out about... what he did, that some of the worst beatings I ever got were for acting 'too outrageous' and 'obviously fake' in public. The last one had been for calling him 'sir' by mistake in the café downtown, earning bright smiles from the other patrons who assumed I was there with my college professor or something.

That one had been my fault though. I should've remembered.

Nestled against his shoulder, I watched the judges on the TV screen critiquing a young girl about my age. She was nice; I'd even chatted with her a bit outside. They were giving her hell though.

LA was shaking his head and shrugging, Britney was looking apologetic, Kelly's lips were pursed and Simon... he had his head in his hands and was snapping at her. She looked close to tears.

I was scared suddenly. Do I really want to do this? Why am I even here? What if they hate me? If Simon Cowell, the music mogul, was harsh and unforgiving, I didn't think I would ever get over it. I knew his reputation- it was a real possibility.

No. I had to do this. Singing was my savior- it was my lifeline, my one escape from the horrors of my home life. When I was on stage, I was invincible. I could forget that I was just the worthless broken girl from a torn family who didn't deserve anything or anyone. I could pretend to be someone real, someone incredible. Someone who had a loving family and friends- and best of all, someone who deserved it all. If this happened... I didn't want to allow myself to even consider it, but if, Demi, if by some amazing twist of fate, if I won... if I somehow managed to sing my way to the one million dollars... I could escape forever. I could leave him and he would never-

I shuddered suddenly, earning me a warning look from him. Mario was here with us, and he- Dad -didn't want any reasons for suspicions to arise.

Mario was grinning at us right then. "So, Demi, you ready?"

I smiled weakly. "As I'll ever be."

"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll love you!" He nodded to my stomach. "How's the queasiness?"

"Uh, better," I lied. How could my nausea disappear when I wasn't sick in the first place? Mario had noticed me holding my ribs as I talked, and Dad had spun some bullshit story about me having a stomachache, glaring at me the whole time. I'd gotten the message, and quickly abandoned holding my sides while I talked, instead just gritting my teeth and dealing with the pain. It's not like I wasn't used to it.

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