That Word Is Love: Chapter 13

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Neither of us spoke another word on the way home. By the time we pulled up to the house, it was dark and silent, and I was worrying about how I would get up the driveway with my crutches if I couldn't see rocks and other things to avoid. I highly doubted Simon was feeling nice enough to go find the lights.

Suddenly, I heard the door swing open, and we were bathed in yellow light.

"You're okay!" Isaac ran to me as I stumbled out of the car, still feeling slightly dizzy. Layla and Aaron were right behind him, and they hovered next to me, handing me my crutches and warily prodding at my bandaged arm.

"Yeah, good as new."

"Not quite," Simon cut in, coming out of the car and slamming the door shut. "She's got a concussion, a sprained ankle and thirty-two stitches." Somehow he managed to make it sound like it was my fault, and I glared at him.

"Like I said," I repeated deliberately, "good as new."

He rolled his eyes. "Anyway, how was the party?"

"It was okay," Layla said, walking beside me as I hobbled up the driveway. "After Demi left, it was kinda quiet."

"Yeah, no-one really knew what to do," Aaron added. "But then Kelly helped us clear it all up, and we got a call saying you were fine, and then things picked up again."

"Aww, you were worried about me?" I lisped, laying a hand over my heart in mock- okay, partly real- gratitude. "I'm touch- woah!" I'd forgotten that I couldn't balance very well with only onecrutch, and pitched forwards. Simon immediately grabbed my elbow until I was steady again.

"Watch it." He didn't say anything else to me, resuming his conversation with the others. "So who won the rugby game?"

"It's football."


"When in America, speak as the Americans speak."

"You're in my house!" Simon protested, sparking a debate on who should adopt whose cultural norms that lasted all the way into the kitchen.

"But I don't even think football and rugby are even the same sport!" Aaron was saying hotly, obviously really into this argument.

"Okay, okay, fine!" Simon held up his hands in surrender. "You win, alright? It's football and soccer." He shook his head, laughing, and then turned to me, his expression going serious.

I sighed. "I'm fine," I predicted his question.

He ignored me. "Can you get up the stairs?" he asked shortly, and when I nodded, he handed me a waterproof armband from the hospital bag. "Use this if you want to shower. The stitches aren't supposed to get wet. I'm not taking you back to the hospital if you get an infection."

"Yeah, whatever," I said dismissively, purely to piss him off. It worked, because his eyes narrowed. Layla, Aaron and Isaac were staring between us in confusion, not quite sure if we were genuinely annoyed at each other or if we were joking around.

"What time will you be back tomorrow?" Isaac asked after a pause, obviously trying to change the subject to more even ground.

"I won't actually."

My eyebrows rose; Layla and Aaron looked confused as well.

"So you're not coming at all tomor-" Isaac started, but Simon cut him off:

"I'm staying here tonight."

"Why?" I asked suspiciously, my brow furrowed. It better not be because of me... Hurt or not, I didn't want him anywhere near me.

That word is love (Demi Lovato fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now