That Word Is Love: Chapter 8

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Just if you're wondering: Aaron and Layla are 18. Demi is 17. Brielle is 16. Isaac is 15. Sergio is 13. ANOTHER CHAPTER IN ONE DAY AREN'T I AWESOME?!? kidding, it's your comments that are fabulitastic.



I looked up immediately from where I was perched on my couch, my nose buried in my journal. It wasn't quite a diary, more like a songbook where I jotted down lyrics and melodies to work into my music later.


Fine, I guess I'd have to open it. The others were all in the pool, and I doubt they'd even heard. They were probably enjoying the view of the sunset from the water. I walked over to the huge doorway and pulled the door open.

"Hello, darling."

"Simon!" I gasped. He raised an eyebrow as I just stood there, staring, and I moved past to let him in. "Wait, why... um, hi."

"Hi, Demi," Kelly greeted me, walking in behind Simon. LA followed after her, and Britney behind him.

"Hi," I repeated, closing the door behind them. "I don't mean to be rude but... what're you all doing here?"As far as I knew, mentors weren't supposed to be involved in the other categories' training.

Simon snorted. "I think our little phone call showed exactly how rude you like to be." I froze, but when I worked up the courage to look at him, he was grinning.

Kelly was dumping bags on the kitchen counter. "Yeah, see, we're technically not supposed to be here."

"But," Britney finished, joining her in unpacking the bags, "All our acts have ruined the other mansion. So we decided to crash your place."

"The other mansion?" I echoed in confusion.

Simon chuckled and tapped his own jaw pointedly. "Close your mouth, Demi. All the contestants over eighteen live in the same house, and they had a little party last night."


"Don't get any ideas. If you do that, you'll be disqualified from the competition for underage drinking. Which is illegal, I might add."

"Okay," Kelly said, brushing her hands together. She surveyed the countertop critically. "That's all the ingredients for the cake. Now I've gotta talk to my manager, so I'll be in the recording studio if anyone needs me!"

"Oh, me too," LA spoke up, pulling out his phone. Simon glared at him, and I got the feeling I was missing something. "I'll be in the games room, whatever it's called. The one with the pool table. Don't disturb me."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Simon's eyes travelled to Britney. "And you as well I suppose?"

She looked awkward. "Sorry, it's kind of important. Any other spare rooms?" When he shook his head, she turned to me. "Demi, honey can I use your room to have a quick Skype session with someone?"

I nodded, and she dashed upstairs, her laptop slung under her arm.

Simon and I were left alone.

"They're such lazy morons," he whined, staring at the counter. I didn't reply and walked back over to the couch, sitting down and opening my journal. "We said we'd bake a cake for Danny, LA's contestant. He's turning 32 tomorrow."

He didn't seem to want a reply, so I didn't volunteer one. I wasn't sure how to act around him.

"Why aren't you in the pool with the others?" Simon asked me suddenly, and I flushed despite myself.

That word is love (Demi Lovato fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now