That Word Is Love: Chapter 16

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"Demi!" Isaac was banging on the door. "Demi, wake up!"

I moaned and buried my head in my hands. I'd literally just fallen asleep a few hours ago. Damn it. Was one night of eight hours of sleep really asking for much?

"Go away, Isaac!"

"Come on, it's late, wake up already!"

"No. Go away."

"No, you have to wake up! Come on, Simon said!" He kept on insistently banging on the door, and I ignored him. Just when I thought I was going to snap, he stopped suddenly, and I heard his footsteps retreating. I breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

A few minutes of blissful silence later, there was another knock at the door. "Demi?" It was Simon this time.

Fuck. I didn't want to face him after last night. I huffed. "What?"

"Can you get up please?"

I didn't answer, and he knocked again. "Demi?"

"What?" I repeated, louder.

"Time to wake up. It's already ten-thirty."

I refused to move. I wouldn't. This was ridiculous. What was this, the military? "Go away!"

Simon knocked again. "I'm coming in, is that alright?"


"Are you decent?"

"No, I'm naked."

He paused, pretty sure I was lying but not wanting to barge in just in case I wasn't. "Demi..."

"Fine," I groaned. "Come in. But I'm not moving!"

The handle turned and the door swung open slowly. He came in and sat down at the foot of my bed. "Hey."

"Hi," I retorted, pulling the covers up over my head and burrowing into them. "Good to see you, are we done now? Can you leave?"

Isaac bounded into the room, and I groaned loudly. "See, I toldja she wouldn't wake up!"

"Isaac," I growled through clenched teeth, popping out of the blankets, "Get. Out." He didn't budge.In fact, he was standing there with a big stupid grin on his face, finding my torture amusing. "I swear to God if you don't leave me in peace, I will cut off your-"

"Woah, okay," Simon interjected before I could finish my threat. "Let's not go there, hmm?"

"What?" I grouched, hiding back down under the covers. "I was going to say I would cut off his hair."

"I'm sure you were." Simon rolled his eyes. "Now can you get up?"

"Make him leave," I insisted. Yeah, alright, I was being a whiny, petulant teenager but I'd gotten exactly three hours of sleep last night, so sue me. And also... I was kind of hoping that my irritable persona would distract Simon from mentioning last night, if he was planning to at all.

"Isaac?" Simon prompted, and the younger boy gave me another huge grin before bouncing out of the room. Simon turned back to me, laying a hand on my back over the blankets. "Alright, he's gone. Now get up."

"Mmmmm." If I concentrated hard, I could pretend Simon was just a part of some dream I was having, and I was still fast asleep...

The hand on my back tapped. "Demi, did you hear me?"

Just a dream, just a dream, just a dream. If I didn't answer him he would go away. I snuggled deeper into my cocoon.

"Exactly how much sleep did you get last night?"

That word is love (Demi Lovato fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now