That Word Is Love: Chapter 22

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Be quiet, Demi, I reminded myself... right before I fell.


The thud on the front porch must have alerted someone inside to my presence, because I saw the lights in the living room turn on. A few seconds later, the door opened warily- Simon. His mouth dropped open in shock. "Demi?"

Shit. I was standing on the steps, clutching a red plastic cup and grabbing the banister for support. "He-e-ey, Simon..." I stumbled forward, and would've fallen straight onto my face if he hadn't caught me. He dragged her into the house, slamming the door with his foot.

"Are you drunk?" he managed, forcing me to look at him. "Is that beer?"

"No way!" I giggled, tipping the cup upside down to show him. Nope, not beer! Maybe he would let me go now. A few pathetic drops dripped to the ground. "Thass not... Woulda- Would I lie to you?" Suddenly tired from the effort of speaking, I slumped forwards, rubbing my temples, and the red cup slid from my hand and rolled pitifully across the floor.

Simon reached for it, eyes flashing, and he looked slack-jawed when he smelled it. "You were drinking vodka? You've had a whole cup of vodka?!" His voice raised at the end, and I pushed me away, covering my ears. He was too loud; it was hurting my head.

"Noooooo," I whined when he gripped my arm none too gently and pulled me into the kitchen. He couldn't be mad- he'd left me. It wasn't my fault. And, oh God, the cocaine high had worn off after about an hour and my brain felt like it wasfucking melting and I just wanted to sleep.


"It's not my fault," she mumbled under her breath, and I glared at her. Little brat.

"What do you mean, it's not your fault?"

I felt satisfaction spike inside me when her face whitened.

"Oops," she murmured. "I spoke loudly...." She swayed on the spot dangerously. "I feel sick... Simon, I feel..."

For fuck's sake. I turned around, and she was asleep, snoring on the counter-top. What the fuck possessed her to do something like this? I had half a mind to leave her there, but eventually I sighed and carried her up to her bedroom. She was going to be in so much shit tomorrow.


Simon threw the door open. Uuuuuugh. My head was absolutely killing me, and I groaned loudly at the intrusion. "Glad to see you're awake."

Behind him, one of the producers David stood glowering. I didn't particularly like him, since I'd heard from the other contestants that he had anger management problems and frequently yelled and sometimes punched things while watching rehearsals. "Demi. Get your ass out of bed. Right now."

Simon shot him a glance, saw my expression, and sighed. "Dave. I'll deal with this."

"You'd better."

He left, and Simon stood, arms folded. "Well?"

"Well what?" I asked weakly. I felt like shit. "I'm sorry..."

"What the hell were you thinking?" he asked, his tone hard and angry. "You went out to a party and drank fucking vodka?!"

"Everyone else was..." I defended myself.

His eyes narrowed. "Everyone else was over twenty one."

"How do you-" I started, but he cut me off.

"How do I know? Because someone took a picture of you, and the only reason it's not on the news is because Dave managed to suppress it! He's bought them all, and he'll have them all in a little bit, thank God."

That word is love (Demi Lovato fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now