That Word Is Love: Chapter 11

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Trigger warning: Rape and extreme physical abuse

If you're not comfortable with reading abuse or are triggered, don't read this chapter! Just read the author's note at the end.


His huge arms wrapped around me, pulling me in tightly. From the corner of my eye, I could see Layla, Aaron and Isaac being smothered in hugs and kisses by their parents as well.

I breathed in his nauseating stench, a mix of aftershave and the pungent smell of sweat and stale beer. "Hi, Dad..." I murmured, my arms going up around his back almost as a reflex.

"I've missed you so much, doll," he said, loud enough for everyone else to hear. My eyebrows shot up- 'doll'? That was a new one- as he released me. "Go say bye to your friends now. We've got to go. It's a long ride."

"It's only twenty-five minutes?" I questioned warily. The theatre was twenty minutes from the mansion, and it'd taken us forty-five minutes to reach the mansion from our meeting point on Monday morning so... Even if you added the five minutes it took us to drive from home to the meeting place, it was only half an hour.

"An hour- I took the bus," Dad replied coolly, and I relaxed imperceptibly. I would be safe, at least for the next hour or so, because I knew he would never in a million years risk drawing attention to us in a public place like that. "Say your goodbyes, go on."

I walked over to the other three awkwardly, feeling his eyes on me the entire time. "Hey, um, so I'm leaving..."

Layla immediately enveloped me in a warm hug. "Congratulations, Demi. I'll be in touch okay?"

"It's only a weekend..." I protested mildly, smiling.

She shrugged, unashamed. "Yeah but what can I say? I get attached easily. You guys are like my siblings."

"Thanks," I told her quietly, then turned around to solemnly fist-bump Isaac while Aaron clapped me on the back, gently enough that I didn't wince.

"See you in a couple of days."

"Yeah, have a good weekend."

The formalities over with, I returned to Dad, who was glaring at me.

"What?" I asked, afraid that I'd done something wrong. I'd just said bye, nothing else, so why was he looking at me like that?

"I did not raise you to be impolite," he growled, gripping my upper arm hard enough to leave marks through the fabric of my t-shirt. "We're going to go over to your mentor and wish him a good weekend."

There was no point arguing. For any casual observed, it would have seemed like I was pulling Dad over to Simon, but in reality he was pushing me forward with a painful, vice-like grasp on my arm.

"Mr. Vasquez," Simon greeted as we approached him. "Congratulations. You have a very talented daughter."

"Don't I know it," Dad laughed, drawing me into his side. I folded in easily. "How was she this week?"

"Da-ad..." I whined, keeping my tone light as I pushed his chest softly. "This isn't a parent-teacher meeting. There's nothing to tell, come on, let's go..." Just in case Simon decided to let something slip.

Simon looked like he'd been about to laugh it off, but something in my tone made him pause, and his head tilted to the side as he examined me. Shit, I knew that look. That was his 'I'm not pleased with you' look, and I wanted to groan as I understood. He thought I thought that he was going to tell Dad that I was rude, and that's why I was trying to get us out of here... in fact, exactly how a naughty child would try to avoid their parents and teachers meeting.

That word is love (Demi Lovato fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now