That Word Is Love: Chapter 10

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"Alright, everybody," Simon rubbed his hands together. "This is it. The live shows. You've got to give it your all, just like in rehearsals."

The six of us were huddled around him as he gave us a pep talk backstage. There were still hours to go before the show started- it was early in the morning, and stage hands and make-up artists were milling around, but the theatre itself was empty. We were even the first category to arrive, although Simon had

"There's six of you in front of me right now. Tonight, that will be cut down to four. And remember, you know how to win this." His eyes travelled over each of us in turn, and they seemed to harden when they reached me. I looked down. "This is the judges' round. So it's not going to be voters sending you home; it's going to be me. That makes it easier for you: you know exactly what I want from you because we've talked about it in training. Give me what I want to see, and you'll be here at the end of the night."

When he didn't say anymore, Isaac spoke up, "C'mon, is that all? You can't just leave it at that!"

"Okay, okay, fine," Simon chuckled. "I believe in you all. I know I'm going to have to send two of you home, but trust me when I say it's going to be the most difficult decision I'll ever make. But you're all so talented, and no matter what happens this won't be the end." He clapped Isaac on the back. "How's that, happy?"

"Not really, but okay."

Simon pointed to the racks of clothes behind him- each outfit was encased in a cloth bag, with names pinned to the front. "Go find your costumes and change into them. The earlier you're done, the earlier you'll catch the make-up artists and the less you'll get yelled at by them."

The others quickly hurried over as we caught sight of the Over 25s filing in at the other end of the room. As I passed Simon, I paused. I hadn't spoken to him since yesterday- okay, I'd mostly been avoiding him, even though I knew it would just piss him off more.

"Um, about my clothes..." I started nervously.

"Black jeans, leather jacket," he replied tonelessly. "Like you wanted." I was about to walk away when suddenly, his face changed and he looked at me with a new expression, one I couldn't quite decode. "Demi... Look, I don't want to think badly of you. So I'm asking you now, is there any specific reason why you don't want to wear the dresses?"

Fuck. I didn't even want to answer, because how could I tell him the truth? But this would only worsen things. "I just don't want to," I answered slowly, hiding behind my hair.

"I see," he said, his voice cold. "Alright, then. Go change."

"Simon," I said almost desperately. "It's not like that..."

"Then what is it like?" He had pulled out his phone, flicking through tables of schedules. "Explain to me, because I'm failing to understand here."

"Please don't." I was supposed to not care, what was I doing?

Simon slipped his phone back into his pocket. "Don't?"

"Don't be all cold and ignore me."

"If you're worried that I'm not going to train you well enough, you don't need to be," he informed me coolly. "As long as you're in this competition, I'll help you prepare."

That wasn't what I meant. "Not like that," I said in a low voice.

Simon sighed, running a hand through his hair as he glanced at me. I hated how he was looking at me- like he was tired of me, and worn out, and disappointed. I was a burden to him just like I was to my father. No-one wanted to deal with me. "I don't understand what's going on with you."

That word is love (Demi Lovato fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now