Chapter 1

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After 2 years apart i was finally going to see my best friends again. I had left because I got a scholarship to go and study abroad. I texted my best friend Luke to tell him that I have arrived at the airport and that I was waiting for them in the lounge.

To Luke-sky walker:

Hey i just landed i'm gonna wait for you guys in the lounge. see you soon xx

From Luke-sky walker:

Great we are all here. Get you luggage and will see you soon lyssa x 

I eagerly went to the luggage area and waited for my luggage to arrive. For me the process seemed to take like ages but then I saw it, grabbed it and  ran to the lounge to see the guys. i saw a group of guys and I instantly knew they were my best friends. I first saw Luke I dropped everything and ran and jumped on his back he held me ever so tightly. I went and hugged the boys one by one when I finally turned to Jai  I went in for a hug but during the hug I started feeling butterflies forming in my stomach...... Was I falling for my best friend.. NO !! i've known him all my life....

"How was life in England? " Jai said

" I had fun but..."

" But what Lyssa? " Luke said popping his head in Jai and mine's  conversation

" I just missed you guys and I felt lost without you"

" We missed you too Lyssa" Jai said Hugging me even tighter this time

" Enough with the flirting guys let's go home " Beau said grabbing my luggage and making his way to the car

~ Skip the car ride home ~

Jai's POV:

" Hey Luke, I need to talk to you"  I said " Listen I think I have feelings for Alyssa "

" Finally ! "

" Wait, what do you mean ?! "

" We knew you had feelings for her since you first meet her"

Alyssa's POV:

" Hey Lyssa come down to the pool " Skip said

" Coming " 

I decided to put my hair in a bun and wore this :

I decided to put my hair in a bun and wore this :

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 I was walking do the stairs when I feel someone grab me from my hips and he placed me over his shoulders. I knew exactly who he was by the beautiful anchor tattoo on his back.

" Jai put me down !! "

He ran  down to the pool and threw me in it.

" Jai I hate you ! "  His expression instantly changed from cheerful to extremely worried

" I'm kidding dumbass I love you "

" I love you too "

We spent the rest of the night all gathered around a campfire telling stories and pulling pranks on each other. we were gathered all together and I was snuggled with Jai . I had feelings for my best friend but I just knew he didn't !  

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