Chapter 8

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I woke up and tried to escape from Jai's strong grip. When I eventually got up from bed I went downstairs to make breakfast when I feel someone grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him. I assumed it was Jai but then I felt his lip ring which is Luke's. I was confused. What the hell was happening??

"JAI !!!" I yelled

"What's wrong ?! I'm coming " he yelled back

"Luke get off me... what's wrong with you" I said pushing him off me

All of  sudden I feel him moving away from me..... I though that he gave up but then I see him on the floor with a bloody nose.

"Are you okay love. Did he hurt you?" he kissed me

"No I'm okay."

He proceeded to punch Luke but He fought back but then Luke was on top and continued to punch Jai. He was hurt and it was all my fault if me and Jai weren't dating this wouldn't have happened. I started feeling my legs giving of... the room was spinning. I was having a panic attack.

"Jai....." I didn't have to tell him what was going on he knew. Both him and Luke ran to my rescue as I started falling to the ground.

"Lyssa calm down it's okay"

"No it's my fault you guys are fighting" I managed to say

He didn't say anything he cradled me his arms. we were both on the ground when he kissed me and I calmed down....

 we were both on the ground when he kissed me and I calmed down

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"Don't you ever do that to me Lyssa. I love you so much and I can't loose you"

Jai's POV:

"Hey Luke can I talk to you..."

"Yeah sure man what's wrong ??" He was acting like he never hit on my girlfriend which made me even madder

"I will never forgive you for what you did to Lyssa and me she is mine and I will never let her go"

" When you DO eventually leave her  I will be the one to comfort her and not you! "

I left the room to go with Lyssa to ask her to go for a walk by the beach...

" Hey Lyssa let's go for a walk I really wanna get out of here "

Alyssa's POV:

" Hey Lyssa let's go for a walk I really wanna get out of here" Jai said entering my room

" Yeah sure let me get dressed" I said kissing him

I decided to wear this:

I decided to wear this:

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~ Skip the walk ~

" Thanks Jai I really needed that and also thanks for taking care of me today .... with the whole panic attack thing" I said

"Don't worry about it. Just remember that I will always be there for you" He said kissing my cheek

We went home and spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching Netflix. When Jai put on the last movie I instantly fell asleep in his arms. He carried me upstairs and we slept in each others arms.

A/N Hey guys hope you like the story so far... OMG is Luke planning on sabotaging Alyssa and Jai's relationship ?!?!  Keep voting and commenting love you guys xx

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