Chapter 20

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Its been 3 days since me and Jai broke up I was torn inside. I missed him so much.....

I woke up a little later than usual because we didn't have a show today. I ordered breakfast and stayed on my phone answering to fans when suddenly I got a text from Luke....

 I ordered breakfast and stayed on my phone answering to fans when suddenly I got a text from Luke

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Why would he want me to meet him and to wear something nice. The text reminded me so much of Jai....the way he sent me those kisses at the end. I wish I could kiss him right now. I wore this and left to meet Luke....

 I wore this and left to meet Luke

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~skip car ride to the park~

I approached the guy that looked like Luke but it wasn't.

"Jai what are you doing here I thought I was meeting Luke" I said a bit mad

"Yeah I sent that message form his phone, because if you knew it was me you wouldn't come" He said innocently

"i should go" I said looking at my feet

"Please Lyssa you didn't never let me explain what happened" He pleaded

" I thought you loved me Jai. You know how broken I was when i saw you kissing that fan ?!"

"I do love you. And i didn't kiss her she kissed me" Jai reassured me

"Really  ?" i asked

"I would never do such a thing" he said holding my hand. I was trying so hard not to show the cuts as i knew he would freak out if he saw them

"You're cutting again aren't you ? When and why ?" he asked concerned

"When we broke up....Jai I can't do this I still love you but I when I look at you I see you kissing that girl " I said crying

He wiped  my tears  and started to lean in I also leaned in. We shared this AMAZING kiss....I missed him and I missed our kisses

"I love you Lyssa and I will always do

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"I love you Lyssa and I will always do. Will you forgive me ?" He asked

"I love you so much Jai." I said

"Will you be my girlfriend again ?" he asked handing me our necklace

"You need to ask dummy" I said kissing him

We walked home hand in hand. I missed him so much....

~ A few hours later~

"Guess the power couple is back at it"  Luke screamed

"JALISSA" Beau said snapchatting us

"Lyssa come upstairs" Jai yelled

I went upstairs and we spent the rest of the night watching Netflix and making out.....

"I love you Lyssa"

"I love you so much babe" I said kissing


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