Chapter 18

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Today was our last day in Melbourne before the tour started. We finished all the dance moves. The guys decided on me and Jai singing a sing together, we prepared a cute and loveable song. I woke Jai up with a kiss. He instantly woke up.

"Babe today's our last day here before the tour." I said to Jai

"I still can't believe we're going on tour and my amazing girlfriend is coming with me!" Jai said excitedly

I wore a black hoodie and ripped jeans and made my way downstairs only to be greeted by Luke grabbing me by my waist and took me to the pool....

I wore a black hoodie and ripped jeans and made my way downstairs only to be greeted by Luke grabbing me by my waist and took me to the pool

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"What wrong ?" I asked Luke as he set me down

"I know your dating my brother and were going on tour tomorrow but I was wondering..... did that kiss me and something for you?" Luke asked

"I don't know Luke. I love Jai and I really don't want to mess things up. Please Luke" I said

"Yeah you're right" Luke said looking sad

We decided to go for a walk and we ended up meeting a lot of fans which took up most of our time....

~skip to middle of the day~

Back home:

"Hey Lyssa come up her for a sec" Jai yelled from his room

I was watching a movie with the guys. "Coming" I yelled

I ran upstairs to see what he wanted. When I entered i saw him a distracted by his phone. I went next to him and started placing tiny kisses on his neck... each time leaving him want more. Those kisses turned into an intense make out session.......

"I love you so much Jai"

"I love to lyssa" Jai Said in between kisses

We were in bed talking when all of a sudden the guys walked in on us.....

"OMG guys. We're here you know" Daniel said

"Piss off" Jai said kissing me

I quickly changed into my comfortable pyjamas, because me and the guys had planned to spend the rest of the night chilling and watching Netflix.

I quickly changed into my comfortable pyjamas, because me and the guys had planned to spend the rest of the night chilling and watching Netflix

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"Pizzas here !!" Beau yelled

"Food" me and Luke yelled

We watched a few movies. Everyone had fell asleep but me and Jai. We decided to go upstairs and get an early sleep for tomorrow.

" I can't believe I'm coming with you tomorrow babe" I said

"Me too baby. Your gonna be amazing." Jai reassured me


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