Chapter 4

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I wake up and gently try to escape from Jai's strong. Him going to the gym was really paying off. I didn't really remember what happened last night but I know the Jai confessed his love to me and so did I. I make my way to the kitchen to make breakfast for the guys. one by one they start to come down.

"Hey lyssa" Luke said

"Hey how are you??" I said hugging him

" Great" He replied smiling

" Listen will you please look after breakfast while I go and check on him ? Because last night he said he wasn't feeling that well...."

" Yeah sure go up"

I rush to his room to see that he isn't in his bed. I go to the bathroom to see him standing lifelessly on the floor. I run up to him and ask him

" Are feeling any better ?"

"Now that your here yeah"

"I'll go get you some aspirin"

I go to get his some aspirin for Jai when I hear Luke and Beau yelling my name.

Luke's POV:

"Lyssa come we need you... like right now"

"IM COMING" I started to panic I only left Jai alone for 5 minutes what the hell could happen!!

I was standing in front of Jai's room so that Alyssa wouldn't barge in a start to panic. Jai blacked out like that time in Germany .


" Promise me you won't freak out okay. This happened to him before okay"

"Yeah yeah let me in"

Alyssa's POV:

"Can you leave me alone with him?" I said to Beau and Luke

They quickly us alone in silence

I walk into Jai's room to see him on his bed. My first instinct was to go and lay next to him and that's what I did. I started to cry when all of a sudden I feel an arm wrap around me. It was Jai.

"Don't you ever do that to me again" I said hitting him in the chest while crying

He didn't say anything instead he cupped his hands on my face and pulled me closer to him. We both shared a very passionate kiss.

"Go on a date with me tomorrow?" he said after the kiss

" If you feel any better by tomorrow...... i'd love too "

A smile shot through his face. We spent the rest of the day watching Netflix and cuddled together. What I couldn't keep my mind off was that I had an actual date with Jai..... My best friend ..... my crush .....

A/N Hey guys hope you're liking the story. Keep voting and comment below how you would imagine Jai and Alyssa's first date xx

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