Chapter 6

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I woke up from what felt like a dream.....did Jai really ask me to be his girlfriend. How were we going to tell the guys. I didn't feel Jai next to me when I woke up. A few minutes later I see him coming out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist..I couldn't help but stare at the beautiful sight in front of me.

"Like what you see ?" He said smiling

I nodded " how are we going to tell the guys about us ?"

"We can tell them now" he said offering his hand to me so we could go downstairs and tell the guys

"Hey guys who ha-ve something to tell you " he said with voice cracking making him more cute! "

"Me and Jai are dating" I blurted out

"Get it Jai" Beau yelled

" I'm happy for you twin and I'm happy for you Lyssa" Luke said hugging me

" let's make a truth and dare video guys " Beau said

We all agreed and I helpd Luke set up the cameras and i went upstairs and decided to wear this:

We all agreed and I helpd Luke set up the cameras and i went upstairs and decided to wear this:

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The guys started their video as they usually do when Jai finally introduced me.....

Jai's POV:

" We have special guest today with girlfriend Alyssa."

When she came she wanted to kiss me on the cheek but I turned around and kissed her on the lips and we started to make out but we were soon stopped by beau yelling.

"Okay you two. So today we are going to a classic game of truth or dare" Beau said

~ skip to the middle of the video ~

" Okay Lyssa truth or dare??"


"We dare you to kiss Jai"

"Thats easy"

She kissed me it felt like forever. I loved her so much and so did she

"I love you Jai"

"I love you too Lyssa"

~end of the video~

Alyssa's POV:

"Hey Lyssa come look at the video " Luke yelled

I always helped Luke edit and I loved when he called me to help him....

" that was amazing Luke. You really know how to edit" I said hugging him

We spent the rest of the day watching Netflix and ordered pizza 🍕 and finally Luke put on a horror movie... he knew how much I hated scary movies. Each time something scary would happen I would move even closer to Jai. Even though I hated scary movies and they scared the hell out of me I felt safe in Jai's arms and that's all that matters to me.

"I love you Jai"

"I love you to Lyssa" he said kissing me

A/N hope you like this chapter. What would u want happening next xx

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