Chapter 15

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I woke up screaming......I had a horrible dream. Jai woke up and calmed me down with a kiss. It was meaningful and helpful. I decided to let Jai sleep and I went downstairs and then I saw Luke on his phone by the.

"Why you up so early?" he asked me

"Had a bad dream" I told him

We stayed talking until the guys started coming down.

"BABE !!" Jai yelled

"Coming" I hugged Luke and went to see what Jai wanted. I went to our room but he wasn't there. I went to the bathroom to see rose petals laid on the floor

"Jai...the guys are here"

"Don't worry it's completely defenceless. Just you and me and a little time on our own. Now go wear your bathing suit."

I started taking my shirt off. I had worn my Calvin Klein underwear set Jai bought me. I saw him eyeing as I took my pants off:

"Come here love" he said signalling me to get in the bath tub

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"Come here love" he said signalling me to get in the bath tub

"My pleasure" I said

We started kissing... I was on Jai when Luke came in.

"Omg guys are you kidding me" Luke said

"What the hell are you doing here ?!?" Jai yelled

"Well I came to see if Lyssa was okay" he said

"WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS GETTING BETWEEN ME AND ALYSSA" Jai said getting out of the bath tub

They started physically fighting.....I went to my room got dressed and went to mine and Jai's secret hide-out

I went to my room got dressed and went to mine and Jai's secret hide-out

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Jai's POV:

"Where's Lyssa ?!" I asked the rest of the guys after me and Luke stopped fighting

"We don't know she just left" Beau said concerned

"Her car is still here so she couldn't have gone far" Skip said

"I think I know where she is" I said rushing to my room to get my phone. i tried calling her but she wasn't picking up

"Want us to come with you?" James asked

"Nah" I said

I had an idea where Lyssa went....when we were young after school we would go to our secret place

~skip drive~

She was there sitting on the swing set...with her head in her hands. She looked like she had been crying. I went to take a seat next to her.

"Hey" I said


"I'm here for you babe" I said hugging her

"Jai I think I'm having a panic attack" As soon as she said that she started falling to the ground

"Lyssa babe stay with me" I started to panic...I called the guys and I also called 911

The ambulance came in a few minutes. I helped them carry Lyssa to the Ambulance.

~skip the ride to the ambulance~

"Is she going to be okay Doctor" I said crying

"She just blacked out. We are just going to do a few test and you guys can leave." She said

I held Lyssa's hand and cried my eyes out...this was all Luke's fault. The guys came in all together.

"Jai....Don't cry" Her voice was very faint

"Omg...Don't every do that to me again." I said crying.

She lifted her hand and wiped away my tears.

"Thank you guys for coming" she said each one of the guys went and hugged her.

"So when can we leave?" she asked

"Soon babe soon" I kissed her

After all the tests we went home. We watched some Netflix and Lyssa ended up sleeping on my shoulder.

"Hey Jai?" Luke said

"What do you want?!" I said still mad at what he'd done to Lyssa

"I'm really sorry man."

"Yeah well Sorry not gonna fix it"

I went up to mine and Lyssa's room. We slipped in bed and we slept in an instant...


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