Chapter 3

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I was woken up by I beautiful sight in front of me.

" Hey love come down by the pool when your ready we are having breakfast there" Jai said putting butterflies in my stomach.

I don't know what was happening with me lately but he couldn't have feelings for me I just needed to resist the urge to kiss him every time he said love to me.....

" Be there in a minute " I got up and wore this :

" Be there in a minute " I got up and wore this :

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"Our princess is finally awake" Beau said

"Hey watch it " I said hitting him in the head making my way to sit on Jai's lap

"Watch these two love birds" Luke said snapchating us

"Hey Lyssa so there's this party tonight I was hoping you would go with me " Jai said sweetly

" I would love to " I said kissing his cheek

~ skip the whole day ~

I had an hour to get ready to go to the party which Jai mentioned would be amazing. I decided to think of this party as mine and Jai's "first date"

Jai's POV:

"Hey Lyssa me and the guys are done come down when you're ready"  I said

We waited for Alyssa and then from the corner of my eyes I see her coming down the stairs in the most beautiful dress every  

We waited for Alyssa and then from the corner of my eyes I see her coming down the stairs in the most beautiful dress every  

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I couldn't help but let jaw drop to the ground.......

" You look beaut...... " I was cut off by her kissing me . Our lips moved perfectly together. Could she also have feelings for me ?!?!

~skip the car ride to the club ~

I may or not have taken a couple of drinks and well this happened.....

" Jai stop it your gonna embarrass yourself " Alyssa told me

" No Lys  I'm IN LOVE with you. ALWAYS HAVE & ALWAYS WILL BE " I screamed in the middle of the bar

" Jai love come on lest get you home before something happens "

" Say you love me" he said doing a pouty face

" I love you , there happy"

~ arrive home ~

Alyssa's POV:

" Jai lets get you to bed "

" Lyssa I'm not feeling well can you stay with me ? " he said somewhat sober

" Do you really love me Jai, or were you just saying that because you were drunk ? "

" I always have and I always will. I love you Lyssa" He said sleepily

" I love you too Jai. Now get some sleep I'll be right here next to you all night .

We climbed in be and interlocked our hands. I placed my head on his chest and he placed his remaining hand over me. I felt safe in his arms. I loved him......


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