Chapter 11

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~ skip 5 days ~

Luke's POV:

"Guys let's prank Lyssa and Jai" Luke said

"What are we going to do?" James asked

"Beau fill up a bucket with water were going to drop water on them" I could do that because I shared a room with them while we were on our holiday

"shh don't make a sound." I told them. Luckily they were still asleep, we decided to sleep in a bit today as we are taking Lyssa to Disneyland as a surprise. We dropped the bucket of water and they both woke up instantly

"What the hell man ?!" Jai said

"Are you kidding me Luke" Lyssa said half asleep

Alyssa's POV:

"Hey Jai ...what are we going to do today?" I yelled from the bathroom

"It's kind of a surprise but we are sure your gonna love it " he replied

When I was done showering I got dressed and I decided to wear something comfortable as I didn't know what the guys had planned :

When I was done showering I got dressed and I decided to wear something comfortable as I didn't know what the guys had planned :

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As I got dressed I saw Jai in his trousers and my mouth fell to the ground. He started coming closer to me when we fell on the bed and started kissing. I loved him so much..... we were soon stopped by the guys entering the room.

"Get it Jai" Yelled Daniel

I instantly got as red as a tomato. I helped Jai pick an outfit and we left to the mystery Place... the car ride took 1 hour. I saw the Disneyland Castel and I started to tear up.

"Are you kidding me Guys ?!"  

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"Are you kidding me Guys ?!"  

"Only the best for our princess" They said in unison

We spent the rest of the day going on rides and being stopped by fans to take of the fans saw me and Jai holding hands and said

" that slut she doesn't deserve Jai and the guys " Jai held my hands tighter and him and the guys told them " We love Alyssa and we don't need any of your guys' approval okay" They all shut up and left ..

"Thank you guys"

" I'm not gonna let anyone disrespect my beautiful girlfriend " he said kissing me

We spent the rest of the night near the lake when all of a sudden they start singing

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We spent the rest of the night near the lake when all of a sudden they start singing.

"What are  you doing Guys" I said smiling and looked at Jai

" We love you Lyssa so don't let anyone bring you down " Luke said hugging me


After the serenade we decided to go back to the hotel. When we arrived Beau, Daniel and James went to their room while Me ,Luke and Jai went to our room. We changed into our PJ'S and watched some Netflix on Luke's laptop

"Thank you for an amazing birthday guys" I sleepily said

"No need to thank you Lyssa"  Luke said and went off to his bed

"I love you so much babe ... come on lets sleep we have another day of adventure tomorrow" Jai said kissing me on the forehead. I instantly fell asleep in his arms.



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