Chapter 1

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

humming a happy tune, I glided through the manor with a pile of clothing in my arms. Everything had finally come together. Everyone believed that the mortal version of me was gone, but that was all thanks to a bit of good acting and the help of Dean. My previous red headed butler had changed ever since Anna had died, but I believed he had changed for the better. He wasn't as aggressive as he was before and he seemed rather laid back. It was as if Anna was a wound that had finally healed up. In all honesty, I am so glad she is gone and no longer a part of me. Suddenly a loud shriek echoed off the walls of the hallway and a tea cart, with Mey-Rin clinging to it for dear life, came rushing towards me.

"G-get out the wayyyy!" The maid screeched and I huffed a sigh, not even changing my facial expression. What could I possibly be worried about? With trained grace, I dodged the speeding cart and clamped my hand onto the handle of the object carrying Mey-rin. The cart came to a halt and I casually glanced over my shoulder to see the poor maid sliding off the tea cart.

"You okay Mey-Rin?" I asked and helped her up onto her feet.

"My you are mighty strong aren't ya miss!" She accidentally ignored my question and smiled at me in awe. I bowed my head and humbly thanked her .

"What was all that noise?" A familiar voice spoke up and I excitedly twisted around to see my Fiancé, Sebastian Michaelis. Just looking at him made my heart race and I must admit he was so damn sexy. His crimson eyes analysed the situation before he heaved a sigh and gestured for me to follow him.

"There is something we must discuss, please follow me." He said in his usual professional voice but there was a subtle difference to it. Something that I knew all to well within my time in the phantomhive manor. It had only been four months since I had arrived and every week Sebastian would have something to 'discuss' in a very private area of the manor. The only problem was that as soon as things got heated, Ciel would call for Sebastian and I would have some chore to do. Sebastian had once gotten so frustrated that he cracked one of the walls within the manor.

"We will have to do that later, I have a job to do at the moment." I stated and curtsied to Sebastian, my keen eyes noticing the tension in his muscles.

"Mey-Rin can take over." He tried to keep his voice calm and collected, but came out strained. It was quite clear he was battling himself so he wouldn't lose control in front of Mey-Rin.

"That would be unfair to Mey-Rin." I countered but the maid grabbed my pile of clothing with a small smile, making Sebastian smirk at me.

"It's the least I could do for you saving me." She meekly said and scurried away. I was left alone with Sebastian and as soon as he was sure no one was around he pinned me against the wall. His red eyes clouded over in lust and I bit my lip, teasing him further. Sebastian released a low growl and captured my lips with his as his large hands wrapped themselves around my body.

"This time...I'm making you mine...all over again." He seductively whispered between kisses and I released a hum of approval. But the sudden ring of a familiar, yet annoying, bell made my fiancé pull back with rage twisting his beautiful features. "That damn bell. We will continue this later." In just a blink of an eye, he was gone. I sadly looked down to the floor and leaned against the wall. Sometimes being a maid can be rather...boring. Yes it was peaceful and I was glad that there was no longer a chance of losing someone close to me. But there was always that pesky thing called boredom, which was always prodding at me, and there seemed to be no way to get rid of it. There was no way Sebastian could get rid of it for me, he was always too busy to do so. There was the occasional visit from Dean and he would tell me all about his new contract. She was a beautiful woman, with long blonde hair that cascaded down her back in loose curls, and I would always catch her wearing clothing of the finest quality. I could still remember the first time I met her and the very first thing that caught my attention was her bright purple eyes with golden specks within her irises. There was also the fact that I noticed those same eyes staring at Sebastian when he wasn't looking. With a deep growl I ripped myself away from my thoughts and decided to go on a walk around the manor. There was no point in standing around with nothing to do.


It was a warm day and the sun was at its highest point. It's waves of heat kept on beating down on me, making me rethink my decision on wearing the winter maid outfit. It's thick layers made my skin clammy and I scrunched up my nose as discomfort washed over me. My (e/c) eyes spotted a large gazebo and I didn't hesitate to take refuge in the shade it offered. After checking that no one was around, I pulled up the long skirt of my dress and sat down on a bench within the gazebo. Everything around me was so...peaceful. But to me it was a little too peaceful. Normally Finny, Bardroy and Mey-Rin would cause havoc without even meaning to. The manor however, was completely silent. My eyes wandered around the scenery that surrounded me, yet they landed on the window of Ciel's study when I noticed movement coming from the room. Of course curiosity took over and I used my enhanced eyesight to get a good look at who kept on pacing in front of the window. But when I saw the familiar red hair and the recognisable body language of my old butler Dean, I felt confusion take a hold of my facial expression. Why didn't he tell me he was coming to the manor? But a different question soon rose when I noticed how angry his movements were and he looked as if he was shouting at something. He suddenly twisted around and those emerald green eyes narrowed when they locked onto the sight of me. Without any hesitation, Dean swung open the window and jumped down still wearing a face like thunder.

"(Y/n) you need to help me." His hoarse voice cracked and I knew that was a huge sign showing that he had previously been shouting.

"What happened?" I jogged over to him, concern written on my face.

"There is some kind of illness spreading through demons and it is making them act like wild animals. My contract was attacked by one and can't get out of bed." He explained with worried eyes and grabbed my shoulders, his grip was both shaky and strong. "Please, help me find a way to stop whatever is causing this. Because Ciel and your fiancé won't." I glanced up to the window of Ciel's study once again and saw both demon and his master watching us. My lips thinned into a straight line when I saw the look on Sebastian's face. It almost looked like he was begging me not to help. But Dean had been my most loyal friend since I was a child and I couldn't turn my back on him.

"I'll help." I said before being engulfed in a hug with Dean.

"Thank you, I knew I could rely on you (y/n)." He sighed in relief and pulled back, turning around to face the window Sebastian was watching from and raised his voice, "I'm glad your influence hasn't changed (y/n)."

"That woman has a mind of her own I can assure you." Sebastian flickered his eyes over to me and I knew he was going to bring this up later. "Just don't get her killed."

Time skip

Sebastian's P.O.V

As I sat in front of the fireplace, thoughts about what (y/n) had agreed to kept circling in my mind. That damn woman didn't understand how dangerous the situation was and Dean didn't exactly stress on telling her himself. I was planning on changing her mind but (y/n) hadn't come back to the room and it was late at night. Where could she be? Releasing a sigh of annoyance, I ran a hand through my hair and closed my eyes. That woman will be the death of me.

"Sebastian?" The familiar silvery voice spoke up and I opened my eyes. I keep on forgetting that she was a demon and could sneak in without me knowing.

"Yes (y/n)?" I didn't look back and stared at the orange flames within the marble fireplace. Soft hands pressed against my shoulders and she circled her thumbs in a firm yet pleasing massage. I leaned my head back, groaning as the tension in my shoulders was released.

"You're not angry at me are you?" She said in a childish voice and continued with the massage.

"No I'm not angry, just worried." I sighed and glanced at my fiancé when she pulled her hands away. My eyes widened at the sight of her looking away with sad eyes. "What's wrong?" I gently grabbed her hand and guided her onto my lap.

"I want to do this Sebastian." She hooked her arms around my neck and shifted herself to straddle me. A silence fell over the both of us as we met each other with short and sweet kiss. (Y/n) pulled back whilst carrying on, "But why didn't you and Ciel take this case?"

"You will have to deal with vicious demons and will end up fighting more than one in some occasions. My master did not want to go through that much trouble for a case that the queen had not even set him on." I sighed and rested my head on (y/n)'s shoulder. "But believe me when I say that I want to help you and Dean, if it means I could keep you safe."

"I'll be fine Sebastian, I promise that I will not do anything stupid."

"I'll remember that promise."

A demons bond (Sebastian x reader) book 2Where stories live. Discover now