chapter 16

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Sebastian's P.O.V

The screaming wouldn't stop. It filled my masters residence, the empty halls and lifeless rooms. Each bellow took a piece of me and I couldn't bare it. Just sitting next to her bed was hard when she writhed under the covers. Her hands and feet strapped down by thick, leather belts. Sometimes my beloved would beg me to untie her, with a heart wrenching whimper of a voice. Other times, she lashed out with a sharp tongue and cursed me to hell.

I had been told that I had to wait for the drug to flush out of her system, but the process was long and hard. I didn't realise it would be like this though. I was once again sitting by (y/n)'s side and watched her shivering body. A cold sweat formed upon her skin, dripping down her face and dampening her hair. I gently patted a wet cloth upon her brow and remained silent, hoping that it would not set her off into another fit.

"I want my food." (y/n) sniffled and looked up at me with her (e/c) eyes. They were large and innocent, begging me to comply. Yet I shook my head and peeled away the wet cloth. (f/n) tried grabbing my wrist, yet the leather straps kept her arms down. She continuously yanked at it and screamed once again. Her body uncontrollably shook and I had to hold her shoulder down onto the bed once more. I needed to decrease the risk of (y/n) hurting herself as much as possible.

Suddenly, the doors to the room were flung open and Ciel stormed into the room, dressed in his sleeping garments.  He glared towards me and complained, "shut that blasted woman up, gag her if need be!" 

"My young lord, she cannot help it." I sighed, shaking my head. 

Ciel ran his hand through his hair, pulling it back to reveal his uncovered eye with the contract symbol upon its surface. He commanded in a low tone, "I said...gag.her. She's scaring Lizzy." 

There it was. The invisible collar tightened around my throat and my hands moved like they were controlled by a puppeteers string. I pulled off my tie and used it to gag (y/n), muffling the screams. Ciel left the room as quick as he arrived and I was alone with (y/n) once more. Strangely all went quiet and she stared up at me, not resisting the gag. I had to avert my eyes. The sight was quite extraordinary. 

(y/n) tied down with a gag in her mouth, shivering and trembling beneath me. A thin sheet of sweat across her skin and her thin, knee length sleeping garments clung to each curve of her body. Those half lidded eyes...hazy and yet wild, they stared deep into me. When was the last time I felt her? tasted her skin and bit down upon her flesh. How long has it been since I claimed her? Too long. Too damn long and I wanted her right then and there. But I kept myself controlled and forced my hands to stay by my sides. They twitched and itched to just feel her under my hands, to stroke her perspiring skin with my fingertips. 

(y/n) whined through the gag and I couldn't understand a word. Yet I noticed her cheeks reddening and her thighs clenched tightly together. I couldn't resist and pulled the gag out of her mouth. She freely said, "if I help...will you give me food?" 

Her words made my stomach sink. She wasn't the same. She wasn't my (y/n). The woman on that bed was an insane addict that would do anything to get her hands on the wanted substance. However, confusion suddenly took a hold of me. What did she mean by help me? I once again trailed my eyes up and down her body, noticing that her heavy breathing turned into quick pants. 

"You want me don't you Sebastian?" (y/n) lifted her head and her eyes glazed over with lust. "give me what I want and then I'll do the same for you." 

I couldn't lie to myself. I wanted to pounce on her and do everything I could to her body, whilst she was in a submissive position such as being strapped down to a bed. But what held me back was my conscience. (y/n) would never forgive me if I were to take her when she was so helpless. This woman on the bed wasn't her. I turned my head away and gritted my teeth. If I was to stay any longer then I would lose all control. 

Not wasting any time, I moved to leave the room. 

"No wait! Wait please!" (y/n) begged and I found myself freezing up. Stupidly, I glanced back at (y/n) and saw that she bit her lip so hard that it started bleeding. "I know how much you loved my taste when we first met. You can savour the taste of my soul through blood. Come on...don't you want some?" 

My leash snapped. I was slouching over (y/n) within a blink of an eye and claimed her lips with my own. The metallic taste of blood seeped through my lips and onto my tongue. The sweet taste of her soul sent sparks through my veins. I slipped my tongue into her mouth, the kiss growing deep and more passionate. (y/n) gasped in between kisses and groaned every so often. She pushed herself more into the kiss, fighting me for dominance. Within the back of my mind, I knew I should stop soon, otherwise I would keep on going further and further. 

"Let me please you master." (y/n) purred between kisses and I suddenly ripped myself away from her. My eyes locked onto every bruise up her legs and around her neck. Each one showing the doctors claim on her.

"she was certainly compliant."

I shook my head and too a step away from her. (y/n) leaned her head towards me, begging me to come back. 

"not letting out a sound of distress last night."

She's not my (y/n). My lips felt dirty and I rubbed my sleeve over them. I ignored her begging and pushed the gag back into her mouth before leaving the room. 

(Y/N)'s P.O.V 

I couldn't feel his touch, his lips, the warmth of his skin. The outside me was taking it all and enjoying every last drop of his addictive attention. I longed to feel anything. Especially the passionate kiss Sebastian laid upon me. Like the greedy person I am, I wanted it all to myself. Yet when he left, I felt even more disappointed. No matter what happened, I was never satisfied and my need for a feeling grew. 

It was as if I were behind a screen, watching Sebastian walk away, unable to get through to him. (cough, otaku problems, cough) 

Suddenly a cold breeze filled the room and standing at the end of my bed was a familiar demon. His eyes bore deep into me and his presence filled the entirety of the room. 

"(Y/n), I know you're in there somewhere." 

"Dean?" I was just able to push out, trying to gain control. Yet the outside me took over, "I need help." 

"and I'll give it to you."

A demons bond (Sebastian x reader) book 2Where stories live. Discover now