chapter 17

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(y/n)'s P.O.V

I never thought Dean would be so gentle. He treated my body like a porcelain doll. The demon softly ran his fingers across my skin, barely touching it. With the slightest movement, the bed creaked and ground under our weight. The outside me was quiet as she pulled Dean closer to our body. She wanted as much as she could get. Slowly, Dean brought his lips to my ear, brushing them against it whilst huskily saying, "I will help you feel something (y/n)." 

"I want the food." Outside me whined and fidgeted under Dean's body. 

Dean suddenly tightened his grip on my waist, his eyes narrowing down into my own. It felt as if he peered deeply into my eyes to see the real me. The me that was standing there and watching through my own eyes. Dean's lips pulled back into a snarl, revealing his sharp canines reminding me of his identity. I had often forgotten that he was a demon, a wolf demon in fact. It had been a long time since I had seen this territorial side to him. 

"I am offering something much better than the drug you desperately want." He growled and his green eyes burned deep into me as they started glowing. "(y/n) if you're in there listen to me will return." 

With that said, Dean scooped my body into his arms and jumped out of the window he came through.

I made no sound.

To my surprise, I was returned to my old manor. Being carried through the hallways brought many memories back to me. The residence was completely abandoned after my "death" was announced to the world and the queen, with no other member of my bloodline to claim it. I had heard that no one was interested on buying it in fear of the ghouls that could haunt them.

Silently watching ahead, I noticed the familiar path we took. I was heading back to a room I wished I never had to return to. The outside me reacted to my memories. Wriggling in Dean's iron grip and screaming to the top of my lungs. I clawed at his face, spitting out curses of incoherent words. The me on the outside reacted with a desperate ferocity that seemed animalistic and uncontrolled. She was a wild creature that feared my memories of pain and tormented mind. The over reaction of a woman who lost her sanity to a drug. 

Dean pushed open a door, walking into a dark room. With only a slight twitch of the head, all of the candles lit up. Their flames chasing away the dark. 

Within the middle of the room was a chair and faded lines, red in colouring, circled around it. The lines were chipped and crumbling, yet I could see the pattern of a pentagram clearly. I remembered it all. It all came to me in a frightening wave of alarm. There was no way I could go through it again. Dean strapped me down to the chair, tightening the straps to the point where it hurt. The insane me repeatedly hit her head on the back of the chair, throwing herself about. The straps did not break. 

my old demon butler pulled out a knife and deeply cut the palm of his hand. He proceeded to dab two fingers into the blood and ran them along the faded lines, recreating the pentagram. Once it was finished, the candle flames flared up and flickered at a fast pace. A metallic tang rippled through the air that was raising in temperature. 

My eyes flew across the room, trying to find a way to get out of my restraints and escape. I knew I wouldn't be able to handle what was to come. This room, this char and the pentagram. It was used in the days of when I was human and trying to conquer my fears and to face my past. Yet each time it hurt me. The memories would bite and burn me. They would torment me to the point where I was screaming for Dean to end the process.

I pulled on my restraints again and violently shook. Yet Dean pressed his already healed hands onto the pentagram and it glowed an aggressive red. I felt a kind of suction feeling deep within my body and my eyes couldn't see the room anymore. Despite them being open I could only see blackness, and that was when it started.

I was back in that damn study, within my young human body, clinging to my mother. The sickening feeling of blood splattering over my legs. My siblings piled next to me and my father dying before my very eyes. The same death replayed before me, Janiman ripping my mother away and slamming her head in the corner of the desk. He took me away from my home. Sporting a sick grin that I knew the meaning behind.

I was sold off to a perverted old man. He took me back to his home, to his bed. I could physically feel his hot breath against my skin with his rough, calloused hands following after. I felt it all and I screamed, something that I had not done in that memory. I knew I was silent the whole time, too broken to let out a sound.

Dean found me. He took me away from it all, nursing me back to health and returning me home. He helped raise me up from an insignificant rat to the queen's shadow. I was respected and feared because of him. 

The memories faded and burst into a series of flashing images, the first time I met Sebastian, the first time we kissed, the first time I laid in bed within his arms. It was a short break from the pain, a snippet of bliss. Yet I was thrown back into the dark again. Every time I had received pain from another individual within the past, it swelled within my body. Throbbing and growing, it engulfed me whole. I felt nothing but searing pain, like a white hot brand was being stuck down my throat and over my body. The intense feelings wrapped around me, acting like a blanket of torture. 

It was at that moment that I knew the outside me wasn't feeling this. For the first time in a long while, I felt something. I felt  the burning pain and reacted to the horrible memories. 

I was suddenly pulled out of it by Dean's voice commanding, "come back to me!" 

I gasped for air, my eyes finally seeing the real world, and I arched my back. My eyes flared as my body trembled, the pain fading within my aching muscles. It was done. It was over. And I made it through. 

Dean cupped my cheeks with his large hands. The warmth of his palms seeped into my cold skin. I could feel it. It was no longer hogged by the outside me. The demon stared deep into my eyes, his brows furrowing. 

He whispered, "are you back?" 

It took me a moment to realise what he was asking. Did he cure my drug induced insanity? Did he fix me? Was I still stuck within my memories? I slowly placed a hand over one of his own, feeling the warmth and his soft skin. A slight whimper escaped my lips before I choked out, "yes...I'm back." 

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