Chapter 6

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

my breathing was ragged as fatigue set in. It had felt like a lifetime had passed of me fighting the demon. Both of us were panting and wincing in pain. I should have been more careful, but now I was stuck in this mess and was running out of strength. At this rate I wouldn't even be able to run away. Suddenly my opponent slammed her fist into my stomach, sending me back into a wall.

"I must control myself, he needs you alive." She muttered and then a sadistic grin stretched across her lips, her wild eyes pierced straight through me. "But he said nothing about breaking you legs."

"Who is he?" I asked, ignoring the position I was in.

"I'm surprised you don't know, most demons knew of his ways. He's an angry of the supernatural beings." She whispered and licked her dry lips. "And a man who provides the food." The female demon slowly sheathed her claws into my shoulders and I bit my lip, refusing to give her the scream she wanted. Suddenly a roar filled the air and blood had burst through her back, splattering onto me and our surroundings. My opponent stayed wide eyed as she fell face first into the floor.

"My my, I didn't realise it was you (y/n)." A familiar voice drawled out and I hesitantly spun around, seeing Grell leaning against his chainsaw. I nodded my head in greeting and the red haired reaper pulled his weapon out of the ground. Swaggering over to me as his eyes analysed my beaten body. "You took quite a few hits."

"Yeah well that's only natural when you're in a fight." I chuckled and Grell grinned, revealing his sharp teeth. "What brings you here?"

"Me and mr grumpy are investigating the rise of reaper insanity. I guess you've got the same problems with demons." He tilted his head in the direction of the demon and carried on, "I saw one of the demons fighting a person so I thought I would be as angelic as my looks."

"Aw didn't do it to save a friend?" I joked and Grell pointed a finger at me, holding a dramatic stance.

"You and I are not friends. We are rivals of love." He boomed and I stretched out my aching arms, completely bored with the same thing. This was usually the topic of our conversations whenever we meet. "You may have the upper hand, being Sebastian's fiancé, but I wi-"

"Will get him one day." I sighed and started walking off. Grell was suddenly in front of me again, a blush upon his bloodstained cheeks.

"Don't finish my sentences! It makes it sound like we're-"


"Stop it!" Grell hid his face under his long hair, trying to make the blush less noticeable around the similar colour of red.

"We can be both rivals and friends." I patted his head and walked past the frozen reaper. Smirking to myself at the effect my words had on him.

"(Y/n) wait! You're working on the demon case, I'm working on the reaper case. There have been many clues saying that these two are linked. So I could join me and William." Grell rubbed the back of his neck and I stopped in my tracks, glancing over my shoulder.


Having the cold glare of William.T.spears on me was one of the last things I wanted to have in my new immortal life. His nose was scrunched up as disgust took a hold of his features. I guess he wasn't very fond of grell's idea. In a flash of steel, I found the end of his spear inches away from my face. Of course I kept a stoic expression, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of fear.

"What you have found would be an advantage to our investigation so you may join us." He said coldly and narrowed his eyes on me, "but I will not hesitate to kill you if you so much as breathe wrong." William suddenly thrusted the spear forward and it slammed into the wall behind me. A warm, sticky liquid trickled down my cheek and I glared at the reaper when I knew it was blood. It seemed that William had the same idea as me to not break eye contact, as if the one to do so would be the weaker individual out of the two.

"I will look forward to the day that I can rip you apart." I said in a sweet voice and William furrowed his brows, yanking back his spear.

"I'd like to see you try." He quipped and Grell quickly stood between us, trying to laugh it off.

"You two seem like you'll get along just fine, but we really need to get going." Grell grabbed my arm and started to walk off, I made sure to glance over my shoulder to wink at the grumpy reaper walking behind us at his own pace. "Tell us what you have found out about the demons.

"A weird substance that has been nicknamed food, is being forcefully consumed by every demon that is pinned down by strange men in the alleyways. It holds the addictive side effect of drugs and drives the demons insane in the short time of a minute. It also turns serpent demon venom into a murky brown colour which coincidentally looks exactly like the food." I droned on and noticed William listening intently, pulling out a notebook and writing down notes about what I was saying. "The person who is commanding all of this wants the addicted demons to bring other demons to his hideout. He probably has gotten tired of finding them himself." The serious reaper behind me stopped in his tracks and both me and Grell twisted around to face him.

"You got all of is within the space of two days?" William scoffed and I placed my hands on my hips, smirking at the reaper.

"I was once the queen's shadow, investigations have always been my thing." Rocking on my feet, I didn't once break eye contact and continued to walk forward. "Now tell me what you know about the reapers going insane?"

"We know it's not an illness, just like your demon case. We also know the areas where most of the insane reapers are, so maybe we can try and use the pattern to track down the main person behind this all." Grell caught up beside me and I could hear William grumbling behind me, obviously not liking the exchange of information. "We don't have much but we've only started investigating this three days ago and the culprit, who most likely is the cause of the demon problem as well, is being extremely cautious when it comes to the reapers." Suddenly a chill went down my spine when I sensed a presence looming around us. Stopping in my tracks, both of the reapers looked at me questioningly. William pulled his spear out and moved to prod me on the back, so I would start walking again. However, before it could touch me, a certain demon landed on the tip of the spear. Smiling down a William with a deadly intent hidden behind it.

"I would advise you not to put that spear anywhere near my fiancé." He kept his voice professionally cheerful and I was close to feeling sorry for the reaper. There was a sudden click and everyone snapped their attention over to Grell, who quickly hid his camera behind his back.

"Hello my dearest bassy, come to choose me instead of (y/n)?" The red haired reaper cooed and Sebastian jumped off of Williams spear. Grell moved to hug him but my fiancé grabbed his face, holding him at arms length.

"What happened to you?" He directly asked me and I looked down at my ripped up dress. Some of the holes showed large gashes and my face probably wasn't free of any cuts. "Where is Dean?"

"He went back to his bedridden master and I carried on with the investigation." I answered him and a sudden flash of anger showed in his crimson eyes.

"I told him to keep you safe and he left you?" Sebastian took a step towards me, releasing Grell's face. "He was the one that dragged you into all of this and then decided to let you do the rest yourself. We are going to his contracts manor right now!" My fiancé grabbed my wrist and headed in a direction I assumed was to go to Dean's new home, but I yanked back and held my chin high.

"Sebastian, I want to do this. Let me at least relive my old life once more." I softened my tone and placed my hands on his cheeks, pressing a short kiss on his forehead.

"Fine but you are to stay with me and those two buffoons over there." Sebastian twitched his chin in the direction of the reapers, "William my master wishes to work with you. We can all benefit from this alliance."

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