Chapter 8

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

a cold sweat formed on my brow and I was glad that my mask was covering my face, if Vanessa was to see my expression then she would feel superior. I had no idea what to do. If I move then she presses the button, but I'm as good as dead anyway if I don't take action...or maybe I won't die. Instead Vanessa could feed me the 'food' and I would lose my mind. The woman who was holding the contraption that would end my life smirked at me. Her eyes daring me to move, to fight, to end my own life. Damn her. Damn her and that button.

"(Y/n)!" A familiar voice shouted and Sebastian was running straight for me. Anger clearly evident on his usually calm features. I opened my mouth, to tell him to save his life and possibly my own, but nothing came out. Just mindless sounds, choking out as I tried holding back the tears.

"Touch her or try to attack me, then your fiancé is dead." Vanessa warned, holding the button higher for him to see. "Even a demon can't survive being blown up from the inside." A tear fell down my cheek, hidden by my mask. Those who didn't know what was going on underneath the mask would say that I was cool and composed, but I was the opposite. My eyes were red and puffy, sweat formed on my brow and my lips were pressed tightly together.

"What do you want?" I finally spoke up and kept my frightened quiver within my voice in check. Vanessa rolled her shoulders, almost shrugging off whatever weight was upon them.

"I'm just doing what my master wants. Your snooping caught his attention and now he wants you dealt with." She explained and a realisation washed over me. To go through all this trouble to get me would mean that I was undeniably close to finding out who he was. With a chuckle, Vanessa once again placed her thumb on the button. "You see my dear, I hold the power over life and death."

"What are you? You don't seem human and you're not a demon or a reaper."

"I'm all three actually." She placed a hand on her hip and swaggered up to me, I didn't dare move from my spot. "I became the thing which many thought was not possible."

"But how?" Sebastian questioned and I glanced over to him. He looked completely on edge, his hands twitching towards me. This certain position must seem unbearable to him. His fiancé, that could die by just a push of a button, and the hybrid that was too close for comfort breathing down my neck.

"I love experimenting on things. I made my hand and this contraption." She gestured to her button and then brought her metallic hand to the back of my neck. "All I needed was a bit of demon and reaper blood, mixed it together and drank it."

"How are you not dead?" I muttered and Vanessa clicked her tongue, eyes narrowing on the slits of my mask. She wasn't very happy with all of the questioning.

"I'm an anomaly my dear." She finally answered and rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "I'm growing bored." Vanessa pushed up her metallic hand and pulled a tiny lever back before firing a flare into the air. It was moments after that demons, insane and almost foaming at the mouth, came out of the forest surrounding the manor. Chuckles rippled through the air and I felt something drop inside me. Too many to fight. Everyone in the manor would be dead.

"Sebastian! Round everyone up and get out of here!" I commanded and my fiancé didn't hold back the shock. He was frozen on the spot, staring at me and the words he wanted to say stopped at his lips. dearest fiancé...didn't know who to pick. Me or everyone in the manor. So I made the decision for him. Running towards the arriving demons, I waited for the inevitable push of that button. If I was to go down, then I am taking every damn demon with me. I impaled a demon in my path and left my weapon inside of him, moving towards my next target and drove my hand through his chest. I carried on my onslaught and felt the diseased black blood splatter over my body. One after another the demons fell and I momentarily flickered my eyes over to Vanessa. Sebastian was gone, listening to my command and I was thankful for it. Vanessa however, was still there and she released a sigh before pressing her thumb on the button. A buzz flooded though my veins, twisting under my skin. I closed my eyes, ready to die to protect those within the manor. Suddenly a hand dug into the bullet holes in my back and yanked back. I spun around and saw Sebastian, crimson eyes full of rage, throwing the small objects away. Midair they exploded in a magnificent display of destruction, orange and red bled into the sky as a black smoke pushed through the blue, blotting out the sunlight.

"I will never leave you (y/n). I lost you once and I'm not going through that again." He growled and I smiled under my mask. A rumble came from the ground and I was pulled back to the harsh reality of the world. We were surrounded by insane, blood thirsty demons and had no way of escaping. Vanessa pushed her through and stood before us, her metallic hand aimed at us in the form of a pistol.

"That's a very sweet thing to say but I must put an end to this." She sighed and glanced behind her shoulder. "Go inside and kill everyone in the manor, we don't want any witnesses."

"Touch anyone including (y/n) and I will not hesitate to kill you all." A deep voice said behind the crowd and they all parted, revealing Dean. He stepped forward, eyes not leaving Vanessa. "Pull them back Vanessa." The female froze up and her breathing became uneven. With a shaky hand she gestured to all the demons to fall out and they were gone in a matter of seconds, as if they were carried by the wind like paper.

"How do you know Vanessa?" I asked warily and Dean released an abrupt huff.

"She was just a human when I first met her. Vanessa needed a drop of demon blood...I gave her my blood, more than she wanted." He explained and rolled his shoulders. "I had a haunch that since my blood is in her veins, she would listen to me and seems I was right."

"So our survival was relying on a haunch." Sebastian growled and glared at Dean.

"Yes and you didn't die so there will be no need for your hostility." Dean moved past Sebastian and placed his hands on my shoulders. "Doesn't this prove anything to you (y/n)? My protection is better than Sebastian's...pick me...leave him. Be mine."

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