Chapter 9

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Sebastian's P.O.V

my blood boiled. How dare he propose such a thing. What made it worse was that he did it right in front of me. However, despite all of the emotions I was feeling, I kept my composure and draped an arm over (y/n)'s shoulders. She was mine and will always be mine. (Y/n) was the woman I did everything for and if I was to lose her now...then I would tear the world apart. She spoke up, answering Deans proposition, "I'm sorry but I have told you this before. I love Sebastian and he loves me."

"You sure about that?" Dean scoffed and venom dropped from his words as he drawled out something that made me freeze up. "Would you call sleeping with another woman love?" (Y/n) tensed up under neath my arm and quickly shrugged me off of her. She stepped away, eyes wide and unblinking.

"Is that true? can't be true! Dean you're lying to me!" She glared over to the red haired demon and he slowly shook his head.

"A reaper woman, red hair...almost looks like Grell, which makes it worse in my eyes. She likes to brag about how she got a demon in her bed. Oh what was his name....Sebastian?" Dean smiled through it all, staring directly into my eyes. Challenging me to do something, to say anything that he could twist against me. I glanced over to (y/n) and felt guilt wash through me. Her (e/c) eyes held unshed tears and a hand was clamped over her mouth. I wanted to explain everything. That Ciel ordered me to do it, that I tried refusing but the contract between us stopped me from doing so.

"(Y/n)." I whispered and reached out to her, but my fiancé flinched away from me. Tears were finally rolling down her cheeks and I pressed my lips tightly together.

"How could you..." she muttered and looked down at the floor. Her hands were clenched into shaky fists and a sob escaped her lips. "I hate you!" (Y/n) pulled the engagement ring I had given her off her finger and threw it at me. I stayed quiet. Surely if I was to say something then it would make things worse. No. It wasn't that. I just didn't know what to say. (Y/n) slowly shook her head and wiped the tears away, something within her changed. She straightened her back and held her chin high, a cold look replaced the sadness in her eyes. "Dean."

"Yes?" Dean glided next to her and she released a slow breath.

"Let's go." She grabbed his arm and after one final lingering gaze, she walked away. Leaving behind her life at the manor, her I did nothing but watch her leave and a pain in my chest bloomed.


(y/n)'s P.O.V

Walking away was easy. It was forgetting that was the hardest part. I was a wreck and it was clearly shown through my haggard face. My half lidded eyes were red and puffy due to the tears that wouldn't stop coming. Damn him and that boasting woman. Damn him to he deepest depths of hell and never to return! Dean suddenly pulled me into a hug and I froze up entirely.

"Thank you for choosing me (y/n). I'll never hurt you unlike Sebastian." He whispered and I slipped out of his grasp, shaking my head. It was his turn to freeze up, to look at me in disbelief.

"I didn't choose you. I just wanted my friend with me as I walked away from the love of my life." I answered and something within the demon before me changed. Anger, the destructive emotion was all I could feel coming from him. But it was true. I couldn't lie to him otherwise that would have been unfair.

"I have done everything for you! Yet you refuse to love me. I was there for you since you were a child. I have protected you, fed you, dressed you and followed you like a lost puppy. I even turned on my fiancé to bring you back!" He shouted and I flinched when he grabbed me again, his grip tighter than ever. "I didn't take your soul! The man who killed your family is dead! I watched you fall for another man and didn't stop it! So is it that you haven't fallen for me yet?"

"Dean...I'm sorry." That was all I could say and the red headed demon growled. He pulled back and turned away from me, shaking due to emotions overwhelming him.

"Can I just ask for one thing?" He said in a weak voice, completely different from his aggressive one he had just used. Dean glanced over his shoulder to me and carried on. "Can I have at least one kiss, one which you do the same back instead of freezing up?"

"No." I refused and he snorted, turning his head away from me and walked off. "Where are you going?"

"Somewhere where you won't toy with my feelings." He bitterly chuckled and I lost sight of him within a second. I was left alone. My fiancé cheated on me, my old friend has left me...surely things couldn't get any worse than they already are. Suddenly a bag was thrown over my head and many hands grabbed my arms and legs, a scream was stuck in my throat and I couldn't make a sound as a hand clamped itself over my mouth, which was covered by the bag.

"The doctor is going to love this." A voice snickered and the hands tugged me about, clawing at my skin and drawing blood. My voice suddenly came back to me and I bit the hand that was covering my mouth.

"Sebastian!" I screamed the first name that came to mind and the hand that I bit snapped across my cheek, making me rely on the many other hands to keep me from falling to the floor.

"Let's go."

Should I do a face reveal? I've been thinking about it and haven't come to a decision

A demons bond (Sebastian x reader) book 2Where stories live. Discover now