Chapter 5

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

we were back at Sarah's manor and once again in Dean's strange room full of even stranger things. The said male was extracting venom from both of the heads of the serpent demons and found that they were both a discoloured brown. When the demons were alive, they were bellowing out how they wanted the food. So with them saying those words and the colour of their venom, which was supposed to be clear, there was an obvious link. We just needed to find out what the hell they meant by 'food'.

"(Y/n), we need to find out what the food is. My guess is that it's a particular drug, which would explain the signs of addiction, but that also means someone is distributing the drug within the demon race." Dean said in a monotone voice, bringing up the vials of brown venom onto eye level. "I however, must first create an anti venom for Sarah. This means you'll be alone in this investigation for a little bit."

"I can handle myself." I proudly said and Dean suddenly pulled me into a hug. "D-Dean?"

"I have always envied Sebastian. He's powerful and has a very rare soul in his grasp...he also has you." Dean whispered and I completely froze up. "Before, I used to see Anna but now... I see you... and damn, I want to rip Sebastian in half for putting that ring on your finger."

"I love Sebastian." I muttered and stared down at the diamond ring on my finger. "And he loves me."

"That's rather questionable, especially when he chooses a particular method to gain information." Dean suddenly grew bitter and pulled back, his face twisted in disgust.

"He has told me of his methods, but my fiancé has promised me he would never do such things again."


Sebastian's P.O.V

"The only way to get information out of her is to sleep with her." Ciel sighed and I felt a cold sensation run down my spine. I instantly knew what he was going to ask of me, but I had promised (y/n) I wouldn't do so.

"Master, I can't do such a thing."

"You can and you will. The investigation is at risk if we don't gain this information!"

"Don't make me do this to (y-"

"I command you to gain the information at all costs." Ciel pulled away his eyepatch and I couldn't stop the urge to follow my masters orders. It ran through my veins and rippled across my skin. An electrical energy had danced along my very will and I felt my legs move without my consent. Every step I took I felt guilt weigh down on my shoulders, getting heavier the closer I got to a particular female. She had long flowing red locks and an appealing body. A grim reaper. Too much like Grell for my liking.

"I have said before, I'm not giving away any information until you entertain me." She placed her hands on her hips, bouncing slightly. Her oversized breasts seemed like they would rip through her thin dress with every little movement she made.

"How about a joke?"

"My dear if I wanted a joke, I would have gone to the undertaker." The female reaper leaned against my arm and brought her full lips to my neck. Utter disgust took a hold of me, yet my body didn't respond in the way I wanted it to. Instead it pulled her in, letting her ravage my neck. "I'll tell you everything after you itch my scratch."

"You must be fully aware that I hold no attraction to you and that I would rather be in bed with my fiancé."

"Yes yes, but she'll never know. You get your information, I'll get my entertainment. It's a win win situation." Just with those words, my masters orders took a hold of me and forced me to drag her into her room in an inn. Locking the door behind me and loosening my tie.

"I am so sorry (y/n). I hope you can forgive me for this."


(Y/n) P.O.V

I didn't have much to go on within this investigation. The only things I had was the serpent demons venom and the name of an item they addressed as 'food'. It was obviously making them go insane, especially when that's all they ever rambled on about before Dean decapitated them. But I needed to know what the food is to trace it back to the distributor. But that was how I found myself back in London. My face hidden by the hood of my black cloak. It was rather risky business going into the city, especially when I was supposed to be dead. I came across the main square, one which I recognised as the place I was kidnapped by the group of entertainers. I remembered jack, the knife thrower and the man who helped me escape. The man who died with an arrow to his back. The twin dancers, who I offered a job and home to, were doing fine as a lords maids. Even they had to believe I was dead. Suddenly my other form tugged at the tight leash and I darted my eyes over to another person covered in a cloak. Something about the way they moved made them seem nonhuman, they glided smoothly instead of trotting with heavy feet. They scanned the area before going down an alleyway. Why does everyone meet in the alleyways, seriously I am getting annoyed with the blasted things. I made sure nobody was looking and jumped up onto a roof, following the person from high above. But that was when I saw it. A female demon screaming and kicking in the grips of four men, her teeth snapping at their necks. The cloaked figure stopped in front of her and held out a vial full of a brown liquid.

"No no! I will not drink it!" She roared and thrashed around in the tight grips of her captors.

"Don't worry my dear, it's just a nice bit of food." The male drawled out and the female demons captors yanked her head back, forcing her to open her mouth. With a laugh, the cloaked male poured the brown substance into her mouth. But the demon refused to swallow it. Instead she spat it back in his face, growling and spluttering out curses. The strange man suddenly gripped her throat in a tight fist, making her eyes bulge out. "You will drink or you  die."

"I would rather die than go mad." She was just able to say in a choked voice. He wasn't at all pleased with her answer and tightened his grip.

"Wrong answer." He growled and poured another batch of the liquid into her mouth. Using his hand, he forced it shut and pinched her nose so she couldn't breathe. She would either let herself die from the lack of oxygen or she drinks the liquid and apparently become mad. I would intervene but by the way they overpowered her made me realise that I wouldn't be able to come out of a fight like that unscathed. Suddenly the female lurched forward, screaming. She had drunk it. The fool had chosen the life of a mad woman. Writhing in pain, the demon rolled on the floor as blood trickled out of her ears, nose, mouth and eyes. At first it flowed a dark crimson colour, but then it changed into a black goo. A pungent smell wafted in my direction as I remained downwind so that I wouldn't be noticed. But then it all stopped. She was frozen on the floor and her eyes were wide, unblinking and her pupils remained dilated. However, when I had thought she would remain the same, a chuckle came from the female and she stumbled up onto her feet.

"I need more food." She rasped and reached out towards the hooded male, who batted her hand away.

"You will get food with every demon you bring to me....alive." He ordered and she obediently nodded her head. "That's a good girl, how about I give you some extra food for today." Almost sounding like a proud dad, he handed over two vials and the female didn't hesitate to empty both into her mouth. "Thats a good girl." He then nodded over to the other men and they all walked out of the alleyway. I had to follow him, this may be my only chance to know where to find him when I have the needed back up. But when I landed on the floor the same pungent smell was strong and behind me.

"He wants a demon, I want food." The same females voice said behind me and I slowly turned around. She was smiling widely and shaking as her newly founded insanity took a hold of her. "We both win!"

A demons bond (Sebastian x reader) book 2Where stories live. Discover now