Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I had changed into a thinner dress that I could easily move around in, which would most definitely be useful in this kind of case. It was still dark and I was to meet up with Dean in front of the manor, he had told me that a few other people were meeting up with us at a particular area he didn't tell me about. But he was running rather late and I knew this was completely out of character. With a heavy sigh, I leaned against the wall that guarded Ciel's manor and scanned my surroundings for any kind of danger. Dean is late and that put me on edge. Suddenly my eyes caught movement and immediately locked onto the object moving at an impossible speed for a mortal.

"Hey! What are doing here?" I shouted and the nonhuman stood still, turning towards me with red glowing eyes and a large grin. The dark masked the rest of its features but I could clearly see long, jagged claws rising up. It slowly licked one of its blade like claws and I could just make out the liquid dripping from its digits. A breeze picked up and carried the scent of...blood, as well as Dean's scent. I widened my eyes and bared my teeth at the creature, one thought racing in my mind. It hurt Dean. It hurt Dean. It hurt Dean.

"I never realised how tasty demon blood was." It purred in a rough and sickly voice as it slowly prowled closer. I could smell it. Under the stench of Dean's blood, I could smell it was a demon. My breath hitched in my throat as it stepped out of the shadows and into the moonlight. A male... a demon male, covered in blood and his clothes ripped in various places. He once again licked the crimson liquid on his claws and chuckled lowly.

"What happened to Dean!?" I demanded and clenched my hands into tight fists, thoughts about what had happened circling in my mind like laughter. If that bastard did what I think he did then I would rain hell upon him.

"He just ran into my claws." The male shrugged and smirked, "ran into them six times." My blood wasn't was cold. Running icy through my veins as my head felt lighter, yet my feet felt like they were weighed down by led. Surely Dean wasn't...dead. I couldn't except it. Suddenly the rabid demon charged straight for me, his hand raised and bared his pointed teeth. I jumped to the side, wearing a cool and collected expression, yet a sudden spark of pain bloomed in my cheek and a sticky liquid rolled down my face. With a sigh, I slowly pressed the tips of my fingers to my cheek and pulled them away to see the liquid was blood. The air grew cold and I shifted my gaze back to the male. All I did was take a step forward and a burning pain spread across my face. Screaming, I clawed at my face as the feeling of fire under my skin grew in intensity. The pain was so great that I fell to the floor, still trying to get rid of the invisible flames. "Brought down by a small scratch? I expected you to be more fun." The demon rammed his foot into my stomach, making blood flow into my mouth.

"I will...not let...a low life such as...yourself defeat me." I growled and squeezed my eyes shut when another wave of burning pain flooded through my face. Despite the unbearable pain that brought me to my knees, I stumbled back up and clenched my teeth so hard that it hurt my gums. Something within me began to awaken and claw its way out of me, desperate to fight. The demon roared a laugh and ran one claw over another, sending sparks into the air. Just by the sound of his voice made the leash snap within me and my eyes glowed a deadly red. My back haunched over as my bones cracked and reshaped its formation. Skin ripped and fur, black as the night, was in its place. My size grew, as my face reshaped so that I had a snout. A black fire surrounded my feet and I pulled my lips back to reveal elongated canines with saliva dripping from them.

"Wh-what!" The male stumbled back and had to look directly up to even look me in the eye. "That's Anna's form! Who the hell are you?!"

"I am (y/n) (l/n), Anna's reincarnation and the demon who will send you back to hell." I snarled and snapped my jaws. It was true. The form had only belonged to one demon and that was Anna. I had previously thought that Dean would have had this form, but instead his form was a naturally sized wolf. My form....It was the form of a black wolf, bigger than a demon hound and even more vicious. I slowly felt myself slip away and the wolf taking over. The last thing I remembered was the howl of another and me lunging forward.


I bolted up, abruptly inhaling oxygen. My eyesight was blurred and the cold air made goosebumps ripple across my bare body. Great, ripped my clothes! Soon enough, my vision cleared up and I widened my eyes when I saw dried up blood up my legs and body. I opened my mouth to release a disgusted noise, yet a cracking feeling spread  around my chin and I instantly knew there was dried up blood around my mouth. With a shiver, I scrunched up my nose and stood up. Scanning my surroundings and my eyes landed on the torn body of the demon. His legs were slung over a branch, a torso was laying against a rock and his was sitting upon a fallen tree. Blood was everywhere and the look of pure terror was forever frozen on his decapitated head.

"(Y/n)?" A familiar voice called out and I snapped my head round. Relaxing when I saw Dean limping over to me with his hand holding his side. Without remembering the fact that I had no clothes on, I ran over to him and flung my arms around his neck. "Um...(y/n)...your clothes."

"Shut it, you've seen this before when you were my demon butler." I pulled back and Dean passed me his jacket of his butler uniform. "I'm glad you're not dead."

"I'm glad I wasn't here for your little slip up." He quipped and glanced over to the various limbs scattered around my surroundings. It was most definitely a slip up. I should have had more control over my beast side. Dean had been trying to train me yet it was rather hard due to how powerful it was. Normally Sebastian would have been the one to calm me down before my leash snaps, but he wasn't around. I left my fiancé and my duties back at the manor.

"I have no idea on how I gained back control." I muttered and pulled the item of clothing tighter around me. Even though the demon attacked me and wounded Dean, he didn't deserve that kind of death.

"Come, we must head back to my mistresses manor."

A demons bond (Sebastian x reader) book 2Where stories live. Discover now