Chapter Thirteen

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Thomas was awake by the time Minho came to get him. 

"Big day, Greenie, sure you're ready for this?" Minho said through the bars. 

"Come on, man, get me out of here." 

Minho took Thomas down to the Runner's hut. The two boys geared up while Minho explained the rules of being a Runner in the Maze. 

"Now you may think you know the Maze, but there's more to it. If you're not careful, you can fall down a cliff. It's easy to get lost. So follow me, stay alert, and don't forget the most important thing: never stop running. Got it?" 

"Got it," Thomas confirmed. 

"Good," Minho said. "Today we're going to one of the gutter rims. We gotta be quick so that we make it back before the Doors close. Unless you want a repeat of last night's events." 

"I think I'm all set." 

"Alright then, let's go." 

As the two Runners made their way out of the woods, they ran into Teresa. 

"Hey," she greeted. 

"Hey," Thomas said. "H-how's it going?" 

Why was his heart rate going up? Why was Thomas finding it harder to form words? 

"Good," Teresa said, quickly glancing down at her shoes. 

"You two need a minute?" Minho chimed in. 

The two teens looked at Minho awkwardly before he walked away in order to give them some privacy. Though not before shooting Thomas a look, clearly telling him not to be long. 

"How's Alby doing?" Thomas asked after an awkward moment of silence. 

"Still no change." 

"Okay, good, just make sure that Gally doesn't get near him." 

"Don't worry, Claire and I are keeping an eye on him," Teresa assured. 

"Good...I guess I'll see you later." 

"Be careful," Teresa said. 

"I will." 

Thomas jogged to catch up with Minho. 

"First Newt and Claire, now you two," Minho said. 

Thomas nearly stopped in his tracks.

"Wait...Newt and Claire?" 

Minho shrugged. "I thought it was obvious." 


During lunch, Claire took a turn watching Alby. Teresa wanted to bring back food and just eat in the infirmary with Claire, but Claire convinced her to eat with the others, get to know them a little better. 

Teresa was a really cool girl. Last night she had slept in Claire's treehouse. The two girls had stayed up talking until sleep overcame them. Teresa was someone Claire could easily talk to. She even opened up about how alienating she often felt in the Glade, being the only girl and all. Even the sense of hopelessness she sometimes felt, knowing the Glade was practically a prison and no one had a way out yet. 

The one thing she never brought up was her feeling toward Newt. Claire could barely acknowledge to herself what was happening. She couldn't really understand it, much less explain it to anyone. 

Claire needed some time alone to think. She also hoped that Teresa mingling with the other boys might make them warm up to her, be less suspicious. She also knew Frypan would be there, and he welcomed everyone, so Teresa would be in good hands. 

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