Chapter Sixty-One

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Present Day 

As Brenda drove the bus to the meeting spot in the garage, she and Tony spotted Gally with all the other kids. They opened the doors, climbed out and started herding all the kids inside. 

"Wait, where's Thomas?" Brenda asked, not seeing him, nor Newt, or Minho, or Claire. 

"I was hoping he was with you," Gally replied. 

Brenda's eyes widened with fear. She took a step off the bus. 

"Wait, wait," Gally said. "Stay here with the kids. Wait here, I'll find them." 

"I'm coming with you," Tony said. 


"Brenda can handle this on her own, you need someone watching your back." 


"Just go," Brenda said. "Don't waste time, we'll be fine." 

"Alright, just wait for us," Gally said. 

"Good luck," Brenda said. 

The boys took off. 

"Hey, Tony, I still don't understand, why are you helping us?" 

Tony shrugged. "Best way I can get back at WCKD." 

"What did they do to you? Were you a subject?" 

"No, but my sister was." 


Despite the fact that they were no longer wearing their helmets, no one paid any attention to Thomas and Newt. They were all too occupied with the alarms that were going off, asking themselves what was going on. 

But these were just the scientist. It wouldn't be long before Janson and his soldiers came along. They had to find Minho and Claire quickly. 


Brenda and the kids sat on the bus with the kids, quietly waiting. The most noise they made were the kids occasionally whispering among themselves. 

Suddenly she saw three guards. 

"Get down," she ordered the kids. 

Everyone was then so quiet, they could hear a pin drop. 

Brenda carefully peeked out the window in order to see what was going on. Unfortunately, two of the guards decided to investigate the bus that looked out of place. 

"I'm sorry, Thomas," she whispered. 

Brenda sat up in the driver's seat and started the bus. 

"Hang on," she told the kids, stepping on the gas. 

The guards fired at the bus, but quickly had to move in order to avoid getting run over. Brenda pressed harder on the gas, driving the bus out of the garage and into the city streets. 


Once the hallway looked clear, Thomas and Newt continued their search. As they passed an open corridor, Thomas spotted someone he recognized. 

It was Ava Paige. 

Both of them stared at each other, stunned. 

I'm gonna kill Ava Paige

Remembering the vow he made, Thomas pointed his gun at her. Ava Paige stood still, not seeming to understand what was going on. 

Just then Newt turned his head to look down the other corridor and saw Janson. 

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