Chapter Forty-One

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It took a while for them to break open the heavy metal door. But eventually, Tony managed to break the hinges, allowing light to pour into the dakr train car. Thomas, Newt and Harriet were the first to climb inside. They were met with dozens of scared eyes staring back at them. The poor kids were in chains, wearing the same outfit and looked like they'd been through hell and back. Near the front, Thomas saw two people he recognized sitting next to each other. 

"Aris," he said, bending down so that he was eye-level with the boy. "Hey, you guys okay?" 

"Yeah, we're fine," Sonya answered. 

Thomas looked at the two of them. Sonya had bags under her eyes, her hair was falling out of her braid, and she had a bruise on her cheek. Other than that, she looked okay. Aris, however, looked the opposite of fine. He had a black eye and multiple bruises on his face. Thomas excused himself and continued to walk through the train. 

Harriet, meanwhile, embraced her two best friends, tears falling down her face. For months she had been plagued with worry and anxiety over her two missing friends, she felt like she hadn't slept since they were taken. She squeezed them tight, just to reassure herself that they were really here, and that tonight, she might be able to finally rest. Tony started coming around with the bolt cutters to free the kids. 

"It's okay, you guys are safe," Thomas assured the other kids. "Just hang on." 

He vaguely recognized a handful of faces from his first day in the Right Arm. But none of them were the ones he wanted to fine. He turned around and saw Newt, also desperately searching the faces of the kids they had rescued. 

"They're not here," Thomas confirmed. 

He watched his friend's face fall, then immediately try to hide the pain. Newt always put on a brave face for the others, but Thomas could see right through him. He could practically feel Newt break just a little more on the inside. 


Once all the kids were free everyone gathered outside. Vince stood up on a platform in front of the crowed and addressed everyone. 

"Alright, listen up. I know you've been through hell. I wish that I could say that our troubles are over, but we're not through this yet. WCKD is still out there, they're not giving up, because you got something they want. They took you because you're immune to a plague that's wiping out the human race. They think you're worth sacrificing to fine a cure. Well I don't." 

At this, most of the teenagers broke out into applause. For months they's been subjected to experiments. More than half of them had been through the Maze Trials. WCKD had treated them like less than human beings. Now, they finally had someone who would actually help them. 

"So in two days," Vince continued, pointing at the large ship behind him, "when we get this tub of rust sea worthy, we're getting the hell out of here. We're gonna go to a place where WCKD will never find you. A place where you can start over, a place you can call home." 

More cheers followed. Soon Vince and the other Right Arm leaders got everyone organized and began to get to work. They had a lot to do in two days. 

Thomas watched the whole scene play out from the sidelines. He didn't feel like joining in on all the excitement. He had helped save Aris, Sonya and a bunch of other innocent kids, he should be proud. 

But two of his friends were still missing. 

Minho, his running partner and one of his best friends. The one who had stuck by him ever since that night they got trapped in the Maze. Then there was Claire, one of the first people who had welcomed Thomas into the Glade with open arms, who had believed in him from the very beginning. The girl whom he had grown to care for like a sister. 

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