What you guys do on your birthday

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Two Bit: He loves to spoil you. Your his favorite thing in the world and he's yours. The day of your 17th birthday arrived and you just acted casually about it all day. Until about 1:00pm, that's when your party started and the whole gang was there. Two Bit pulled out a giant object wrapped in paper and bubble wrap? You opened it and it was an acoustic steel string guitar. You loved it so much. You hugged and kissed TwoBit... Only to see him playing with the bubble wrap:)

Darry: he wanted to make your birthday extra special, because you are extra special to him. You guys had a dinner at a diner... But there was a red sheet over the table with two candles and really good food. The night ended with Darry getting down on one knee and giving you a promise ring. He wanted to wait a few more years, but you didn't care because you knew he was yours and you were his forever and always.

Sodapop: He was original. Yes he could be extremely romantic but he could also be distant. But not today. Today was your birthday and you and Soda have been dating for almost 2 years now. He gave you one of his plaid shirts. He knew how much you loved them because of what they looked like and how they smelled like him. He also loved the fact that you were wearing one of his shirts and it looked so good on you:)

Ponyboy: He may be young, but like his brothers he is a charmer. Your birthday arrived and he made the whole day special starting off with making your favorite breakfast and ending it with laying out on a blanket watching the perfect sunset and having a goodnight kiss.

Johnny: He liked that you loved music and on your birthday he made it all about that. After opening gifts from the gang and your family there was a giant dance party were he pulled you into his arms and held you close during a slow dance whispering how much he loved you in your ear.

Dally: He knew you could sing but you didn't believe him. On the day of your birthday he dragged you to a karaoke contest out in the country and pulled you on stage. You agreed to sing only if he sang with you. It took a lot of convincing but he finally agreed, and although he wasn't the best it was the best birthday ever:)

Steve: For your birthday he took you on a road trip. You both didn't know where you were going, but Steve kept driving. There were snacks and the music was blasting. He would do anything for you especially if it meant being near cars all day.

__________________________Hey everyone:) I just want to say

thank you soooo much for all the reads

and the votes. Every single one means

the world to me. Also I just wanted to

say do NOT hesitate in asking for

imagines or preferences, I will do all

requests and respond to every one. I

have a request coming up that I will

post tomorrow:) thank you again!!!

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