Chapter 1

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Katie moved in her chair beside Winn, noticing how he kept tapping his fingers against his thigh, "You gonna ask her on a date today or something?"

"What!?" Winn exclaims, startled at how Katie was suddenly beside him, "N-no, why would I as Kara out?"

Katie raised an eyebrow, standing from her seat, she leaned against his desk, "I've known you since we escaped the womb, plus, I never told you who the 'her' was." Winn's face turns red and he smacks Katie in the arm, standing when he notices Kara enter the building. "Now look you're welcoming your owner home, should I get you a bone?"

Winn turned and glared at her as he approached Kara, he walked by her side, keeping up, while Katie basically skipped beside them, "Did you see this? There was an armored car robbery last night. There were no witnesses except for this homeless guy who swears the perp had horns."

Katie grabbed the package for Kara, handing it to her, "Thanks."

"Horns?" Katie questions, her eyebrows scrunching together, her attention focused on Winn, "Like, on his head?"

"Yes!" Winn says full of excitement, "I'm telling you, they're out there. Aliens!"

Kara released a small laugh, almost panicked, "Winn, there is no such thing as aliens."

"Well, you might feel differently if you read this website."

Katie pursed her lips, chuckling, "Winn, you write that website." Her statement made Kara giggle.

"I-" Winn stutters trying to find his words, "I contribute." Katie twirled back into her seat, watching Winn's nervousness unfold, "Hey, um, I was wondering if maybe you wanna... I don't know, go see, go see a movie tonight."

"I-I can't I'm sorry." Kara glanced over at Katie, inhaling deeply, "I have a date."

"Date really?"

"Mmm." Katie hummed, turning back to her work, twisting the pen in her hand like a mini sai.

"That's great... Fun. Dating is fun." Katie covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing, "Who-who is that with?"

"It's an online date. Says we are 82% compatible, so... Should be good."

"You-you know that you can't quantify emotions based on an algorithm?"

Katie snorts, placing her pan back on her desk, "Winn, you're IT, isn't your whole life based on algorithms?"

"Yes, so if there was an algorithm for love I think that I would know about it." Winn answers Katie, turning his attention back to Kara, "It's just like you're gonna know when it hits you, Kara. It'll be all "Wah-pow"."

Katie opened her mouth in an 'o', suddenly noticing how Kara spaced off, "Kara?"

"She's here."

Katie stood abruptly, smiling at the entrance of the elevator, "How on earth do you do that?"

"Good Morning Miss Grant." Kara musters out, not having the time to answer Katie, even though either Katie or Winn would ask her every time.

"The only reason I bought this building was because it had a private elevator. That way, I don't have to get soaked in cheap cologne every morning, getting to my office. Find out who used it, have them reprimanded, or bathed, I don't care which."

Katie and Winn glanced at one another, rolling their eyes getting back to work, "Real smooth Winn."

"Shut up Katherine."

"Call me by my full name again." Katie snaps, throwing her pen his way. "You know I hate my full name."

"Still do not understand why it's a very pretty name."

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