Chapter 30

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Leah sat next to Winn on the couch, her head on his shoulder, "I didn't realize how much I missed my parents until now."

Winn kissed her forehead, "It's understandable." He sighs, allowing her to shimmy closer to him, "I don't want you thinking about it too much." Both of them jumped when the window opened.

"It would be so easy to kill you."

Leah stood up at the sound of her father's voice, "Get out."

"I need you to come with me."

"She's not going anywhere with you." Winn put a hand up as if he was protecting Leah.

"You have no part of this, human. I come for Astra. Not myself." Leah walked forward, realizing what he meant.

"Leah, no."

"I'll be alright."

Leah flew behind Non, up into the air, her eyes caught sight of Kara, but she was silent as she stared. Leah flew up, parallel to Non, as she looked down at Astra's coffin. "She would have wanted you here. It is our custom for a surviving female to lead the rites. Do you remember the Prayer for the Dead?"

Leah again looked back at the coffin, she waved her hand over it, revealing Astra's face, she inhaled deeply, "You have been the sun of our lives. Our prayers will be the sun that lights your way on the journey home." Leah looks up from her sniffling, "We will remember you in every dawn." Leah's voice breaks, "And await the night we join you in the sky. Rao's will be done."

Non looked at his daughter, almost proud that she remembered the Prayer for the Dead that he had taught her. He put his hand on the coffin, pushing it. He turned to her, speaking softly, "I shall observe the period of mourning. And then, Kara Zor-El, Ka-El the next coffin shall be yours."

Leah shot her hand out, grabbing Non's suit before he flew out, "Even though you wish to kill us soon." A tear fell down her cheeks, "I have one wish."

Non stopped his movement, "What is your request?"

Leah looked at her father, "Forget for a moment that we are enemies, forget that we have fought battles against each other and treat me as if we were back on Krypton before its demise. Just for this moment, Father, would you please give your daughter a hug," Non almost hesitated, but slowly pulled Leah in for a hug, which she returned. Her arms wrapped tightly around his waist. She felt as if she were young again, a small girl, clinging to her father after a nightmare.

Non pulled away, his eyes almost soft as he looked at Leah, "In this moment, I shall treat you as my daughter." He took her hand, "I want you to remember that I love you, almost as much as your mother."

"Then why do you-"

"And that moment is gone." Non moved away from her before she could make him shed tears, "Our moment of peace will soon end. Wait for that day to come, my dear daughter."


"How long before Non returns?"

"Two weeks." Kara answers, her arms crossed, "We give up daily toil and lend our hearts to the loved ones making the journey home to Rao, the sun god. We light their way."

"And you think he can be trusted to observe this mourning period?"

Leah held a glare, "Do you think he's going to let his wife walk alone in the dark?"

"I simply-"

"Thank you." Alex spoke, "For coming in."

Kara had the same angered expression as she looked at Hank, "We're at war. We're going to have to do a lot of things we don't want to do."

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