Chapter 7

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Leah flew beside Kara, swirling in the air, making Kara surprised since Leah was able to fly without the help of a cape. Leah smiled over at Kara, catching up to her, "You said I'd need a lot of practice."

"I guess I was wrong." Kara laughs, but notices something red on Leah's suit, "What?"

Leah turns her head to see a drone, but once the drone notices the two girls had spotted it, it flew off. Kara races after it, almost forgetting that Leah was beside her, but luckily the other blonde was able to keep up, even though she had little to no training. Kara uses her laser vision to ignite the drone and explode. Leah dove down and caught a piece of it.

Leah flew back up next to Kara, "Is the DEO following us?"

Kara took it, shaking her head, "You've got to be kidding me."


Katie groans, pulling herself off the floor, feeling an intense pain in her back. She forced herself to face Agent Vasquez again, her fists up to cover her face. "Again."

"You sure? We've been going at it for a good three hours." Agent Vasquez put her hands down, "You're tired, Schott, and you need a break."

"No." Katie yells, "I need to learn how to control whatever the hell is happening to me!" As she screams out in exasperation, a bright light engulfs her wrist down, flames erupting from her palms and creating a blast of fire around her, eyes blazing red. Vasquez jumps back from the flames, before it could harm her, she stood in shock, eyes wide as she looked up at Katie.

Katie wrapped her arms around her body, stopping the flames from coming. "I'm sorry! I-I didn't know I could do that."

"That must be part of your solar manipulation." Vasquez glanced down to the floor as she spoke to Katie, the charred ground around them was pitch black, "Let's get you away from the sun, maybe it'll stop you from absorbing power."

Katie rubbed her arms, blinking a few times as the red flares down to it's normal brown. "I don't think that's the case, I was able to use these powers from just absorbing a radiation blast. What if I could absorb radiation from a microwave, or-"

"Schott, you're overthinking it, let the scientists and doctors figure out what's going on, for now you just need to learn how to control your... powers."

"Powers." Katie scoffs, "Powers, this was literally forced upon me by some crazy man in an elevator."

"We've already told you who did this to you." Vasquez states.

"And he mysteriously died!" Katie exclaims, throwing her hands in the air, "Some wannabe scientist fucked up my life because his corporation didn't go well, STAR Labs." Katie belittles, "It's a pretty cool idea, becoming a superhero, but then I remember that I light things on fire!" She lifts her hand and a flame surrounds it, but she controls herself and makes the flame disappear by shutting shutting her fist. "When can I go to work? Miss Grant has emailed me about how annoyed she is that I took a 'vacation'."

"Director Henshaw says that you'll be allowed to leave once we are sure you won't cause harm to civilians."

"That could take days, months, years!" Katie groans, "My brother is doing double at work, he's taken my load because Miss Grant was so mad about me leaving for a short time, short time, may I repeat. She expects me to be back once my vacation days end."

"Then let's hope you get your powers down."

"Then let me practice again."

"You-" Vasquez points at Katie, "-need to eat and regain your strength for now. Then we'll continue your training. You were so excited at first."

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