Chapter 37

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"What was once a symbol of hope is now a symbol of fear. Early this morning, Supergirl arrived at the scene of a crime at West National City Bank. But instead of the usual cheers, Supergirl's intervention was met with skepticism and fear. Some say Supergirl was under a mind-altering drug when she attacked the city. But she turned against our people once. The question on everyone's minds, what's to stop her from turning against us again?"

Cat shut off the T.V. turning back to the group of people in the room. Winn and Katie stood next to each other, almost like conjoined twins. Cat's eyes peer around the room, "First Sandy Bullock steals my bike at spin class and then the juice bar runs out of chard, and now this? I knew people would be slow to forgive Supergirl, but this is ridiculous. And now the crime rate in National City is up a whopping 40%."

Winn stutters out his question, "Do you think Supergirl has lost the public's trust for good?"

"Well, I suppose if Mel Gibson can present at the Golden Globes, then Supergirl can win the city back. This too shall pass." Cat waves for everyone to leave, "Ker-rah, go find me a juice bar with an abundance of chard." Winn rolls his eyes, leaving the room to get back to work.

"Uh... Miss Grant." Katie interrupts, "I already told you, Kara's out sick today."

"That was at 9 am."

"Generally, when people are sick it lasts the whole day."

"Well, that is unacceptable. Who will man the phones? I guess I will." Katie's cell phone vibrates, revealing a message from Siobhan to meet up with her, "Oh. You know, just as soon as I get back from this thing I have to do." She gave James a small smile before running out of the room.

Katie opened the door to Noonan's quickly spotting Siobhan sitting down, "I ordered us some drinks."

"Oh..." Katie sat next to her, "Okay. Was there something-"

"That four-eyed bitch in a kilt ruined my life."

Katie sighs, "Look, what's really going on?"

"No one will hire me. I've sent my resume out to every media outlet in town. And when I call to follow up, they're polite on the phone until they hear my name and then, dial tone."

Katie leaned on her hands, watching as Siobhan drank some more, "That's weird. Why?"

"Because that blond mean girl ratted me out to the Queen of All Media."

"Come on, Siobhan. That's crazy-"

"No. What's crazy is that I've spent my entire life trying to be a journalist, and in one fell swoop, Kara Danvers dashed all my dreams. I hate her, I hate her, I hate her."

"Okay." Katie grabbed Siobhan's hand before she could grab another drink, "Okay. Okay, listen. You just had a setback, okay? And you know what? All powerful people have setbacks. So, you just focus on what you really want. You know what? Once you have a goal, nothing's gonna stop you from going out and getting it."

Siobhan smiled at her, "You're right. Nothing can stop me. Thanks, Katie."

"It's no problem, Siobhan. You can always talk to me when you're upset." Katie grabbed Siobhan's hand, holding it softly.


Katie walked beside Kara and Alex, her eyes found Lucy, "Major Lane?"

"What are you doing here?"

"She's with me."

Alex turned around, "And who are you?"

"Colonel James Harper. United States Marines Corps."

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