Chapter 34

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Katie and Winn glanced at each other as they worked on the large DEO computer. She stopped her typing when Hank and Alex walked in, "You identified Brainiac 8. You know her code. If you can successfully decrypt her signal, you'll lead us right to her."

Katie turned back to her work, reading the screen, "You realize that I'm learning an alien coding language in the same amount of time it takes to watch an episode of Doctor Who, right?"

Winn grinned, "That's like... That's like really fast."

"I wish Kara was here."

Katie finished her typing, "Okay, that's the place."

"Fort Pemberton is the nearest nuclear missile silo."

Hank paced, "But it's completely off the grid. No Internet access. That way, no one can remotely hack in and launch a missile."

Katie looked at them, "Not unless she Trojan Horses her way in. She can piggyback on anyone's device inside."

"Get the Pentagon. We're at DEFCON 4."

"I can deploy a strike team to Fort Pemberton."

"You'll never make it in time."

Alex looks at Katie, "Solar Flare, Flame on."

Katie lit on fire, causing her suit to be revealed, she shot out of the DEO at full speed. Winn's mouth dropped open, "Man, that is so cool." Her glasses fell on the floor beside him.

Katie flew through the air, she landed in the launch room, looking at Kara being squished by Indigo. She ran down, grabbing Indigo's arms and heating them up when the missile behind her launched. Indigo cried out when the heat was too much for her, releasing Kara. Kara and Katie flew out of the room, chasing after the missile.

"James! I'm too late. Indigo launched an ICBM at National City." Katie looked at her as she spoke to James over the comm, "There's no time. I'm on its tail. Katie and I will stop it."

Katie flew closer to Kara, "Try and change its course!"

Kara pushed it to the side, but it immediately moved back toward the city, "It won't change course. I'll use my heat vision."

"Don't!" Katie screams, "That can make it explode."

Kara clicks her comm, "Hank, we need your help!"

"We're tracking you with the ICBM. We're gonna stop this thing, Kara. Together. You need to shut down its onboard flight computer."

Katie looked at Kara and nodded, Katie had to heat up the side of the ship for her to be able to hold on and pulled herself up to the opening. Kara ripped off the hinge, revealing the flight computer.

"Input the kill code 1-1-7-4-7."

Katie was able to press in a three of the numbers but the missile shook, causing both females to fall back. Katie had to create fire at her feet to keep herself from falling to the ground. She extinguished the flames at her hands to push Kara forward. "PRESS IN 4 and 7!"

Katie breathed heavily as she watched the missile fall into the water. She turned back around and flew toward the launch site, Kara close behind her. She flew into the room, kicking Indigo away from the tech.

Kara landed in, her glare on the blue menace, "Bet you didn't calculate that."

Katie's comm beeped in her ear, "Guys, hold on. Do you copy!?"

Indigo lifted the phone from the ground, "Who is that you're talking to? I knew you were too stupid to be working alone. I am beyond a body. I am beyond time and space. All I have to do is squeeze my fingers, and your friend dies. I'm invincible. I am a God."

"No." The sound of Winn's strangled voice rang in Katie's ears, "You're just a glorified Windows Vista."

Indigo's body drops to the ground, her particles flashing red, "What have you done to me?"

"I just fed you a major helping of malware. Bon appetit."

Katie snorted, "You fed her my virus?"

"You!" Indigo screeched at Kara, "You wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for me."

"What do you mean?"

"You wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for me. What do you mean? How do you think Fort Rozz escaped the Phantom Zone? For decades, I searched the Phantom Zone with my mind. Looking for a way out. And then... I found you. I activated your pod. I linked it to the prison. I'm the reason you made it to Earth. You would still be sleeping in that timeless void if it wasn't for me." With that said, she released a scream and disappeared.

"Are you guys okay over there?"

Kara breathes out, "Yeah. Yeah, we're good."


Katie ran in CatCo, spotting Siobhan, "Hey, hey! Siobhan, I really think that we should talk."

Siobhan glanced at her, "That makes one of us."

Katie stood in front of her, blocking the elevator, "You know, after the day I've had. Your attitude is not going to faze me. Look, um, so I... I thought that my family was perfect too. And then my dad went bananas and tried to kill someone. And then actually did kill some other people. And he went to jail. My mom took off. And, then, you know, so much for the American nuclear family."

"So you're telling me it could be worse?"

"Oh, also, that... That I know how it feels when someone like that lets you down. But I think... I just think it's important for you to know that most people wanna be there for you."

Siobhan stepped forward, putting her hands on Katie's shoulder, bringing her in for a kiss. Katie's eyes widen, unsure how to react to it. Her hands kind of moved around, not knowing if she should push her away or if she should pull her closer.

Siobhan moved her head back, "You tell anybody about this, and I'll kill you."

"You threaten to kill me a lot," Katie states, hearing the elevator ding behind her. Siobhan pushed Katie in, bring her back in for a kiss when the elevator door shut.



Katie pulled away from Siobhan, as she continued to kiss down her neck, "Kara's calling me."

"She can wait."


Siobhan lifted Katie's skirt up, allowing her hand to travel into her underwear, "Just ignore her." Katie gripped the sides of the table, her whole body shuddered. She was so engrossed in the situation she hadn't noticed Kara grabbing the doorknob and asking if she was in there.

"No! No! No, no, no, no, no!"

Katie jumped, when she realized Kara used her x-ray vision, "Oh my God."

"Guess that's my exit."

Katie walked out, looking at Kara, "Why did you use your... Oh God-"

Kara cringed again, "I'm never using supplies from that closet ever again without surgical gloves."

"Okay, okay. Look, I'm, I'm... I'm sorry, I did not mean for any of this to happen. It's just kind of happening." Katie tries explaining, chuckling nervously, "And, like, I know it seems wrong, I mean, it definitely, it feels wrong, except for, like, when it's happening and then it's like-"

"Okay, okay. You don't have to explain anything, Katie. You're both two consenting adults. You should do what makes you happy."

"Ker-rah!" Cat called, "Ker-rah! If I have to say your name a third time, you will have to find another job."

"Duty calls." Kara says awkwardly, looking at Katie, "You're dress is still caught up."

Katie jumped, fixing her dress, readjusting herself, "I'm just... I'm going to my other work."


(Short chapter. Sorry)

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