Chapter 43

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"What do you got, Max?" Katie asks, moving alongside Kara, Leah, Lucy, and General Lane.

"Found 'em. Thanks to this pretty little thing."

"An Omegahedron. We used these as energy sources on Krypton." Leah states, looking at the screen, "Just one of those can power an entire city."

"Well, this one's powering the destruction of this planet. It's powering the Myriad wave, and its energy is building by the second."

"So where are the Kryptonians hiding?" Alex questions, she moved her eyes when she saw a ring on Leah's finger.

"About 500 miles northeast of here. Nevada."

"What the hell is in Nevada?" Katie glances over at Max.

Max twirls in his seat, "In my experience, mediocre buffets and regret."

"It's Fort Rozz." General Lane admits with a push from his daughter.

"Wait." Leah pointed at him, "You just left it there?"

"You try moving a one-million-ton alien spacecraft. We did the only thing we could. We concealed it using its own stealth technology, cordoned off the area and called it a nuclear test zone."

"Making it the perfect place to hide." Alex sighs loudly, "They've been there the whole time."

"I'll find them. I'll shut it down."

"Not just the three of you." J'onn speaks up, walking to the girls, "I'm coming with you."

"You're still under arrest."

"And hurt."

"There are too many lives at risk to send an agent in alone."

"I'm not releasing you. You're a threat to national security." Major Lane stands his ground.

"And you're dead if you don't allow me to take this mission."

"They're gonna need all the help they can get."

Lucy looks at her father, commanding, "Release him. Now."

"Take the other cuff off of the Martian."

J'onn lifted his hand, "I got it." He popped it off easily, letting them know he didn't have to stay in the cuffs.

"Let's do this."

"You guys." Alex stopped them before they could leave, "Be careful."

Kara pulls her necklace off, placing it down in Alex's hand, "Keep it safe for me?" Alex nodded her head.

Katie followed Kara, looking at her, "You didn't say goodbye to your sister."

"If I say goodbye, I'm never leaving."


Leah lands next to Katie, waiting for J'onn and Kara to land. Once they did, she squinted down at Fort Rozz, "So, how do we smoke them out?"

"I think we just did."

Non and Indigo land in front of them. Kara stepped forward, "Where is your army?"

"Already in their sleeping pods. Ready for the journey that awaits once we dispense with the four of you."

"And the Omegahedron?"

"It's right here. Take it. Smash it into little bits. You still won't stop us. It's just a means to an end. Its power comes from her." Non points at the alien prison.

Indigo smirks over at them, "Can't smash that to little bits, huh?"

"This is not what mother wanted. Please, dad, don't kill everyone."

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