Chapter 27

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Leah groaned in her sleep, groggily opening her eyes, "How are you feeling, Ka-El? Reflexes are normal."

Leah grabbed her bed sheets, staring at the robot, "Wh-what are you?"

"I am Kelex, your medical attendant."

Leah looked around to the room, "Where am I?"

"Your confusion will abate as your temperature stabilizes. Would you care to dress?"

Leah moved closer to it, "This was my Aunt's tunic. She used to wear it when she would put me and Kara to bed at night." She lifted the material, "Where did you get this?"

"I gave it to you."

Aunt Alura's voice startled Leah, "A-aunt Alura? How could you be here?"

"I stayed home every day while you recovered from the Argo fever. I tried to convince Kara, but she is much too stubborn."

"This can't be real. You died with the rest of Krypton."

"Oh, sweet Ka... You must have had terrible hallucinations from the fever. But it's over now. You're awake. You're safe." Alura pulled her niece in for a warm hug, "You're home."

Leah moved away from Alura, her eyes staring out the large window, "I'm on Krypton."


Katie had spent the night at Alex's apartment since it was closer to the DEO. She was sitting at her desk at work, "So Leah stayed with Kara last night?"

"Yeah." Winn looked up at the TVs as they released static.

"Where is Ker-rah? And why isn't she answering her cell phone?"

"Uh, you know, maybe she can't... We're actually in the middle of the worst solar storm in recorded history. It's just been scrambling communication signals all morning. I'm sure there's a... There's a good reason." Katie knew all too well about the solar storm, it was causing her bracelet to flash every few minutes, it was absorbing too much solar radiation, which was causing Katie to absorb more as well. She felt more lively because of it though.

"I know the reason. She's avoiding me. She's obviously afraid that I plan to retaliate because she drove my son away right when I was repairing my relationship with him. But I am a professional. I do not do upset. So you can tell Ker-rah that it is safe for her to resume her duties."

When Cat turned around, Winn sighs, spotting James, "Hey, hey, have you seen Kara? She, she still hasn't come in yet."

"No. I haven't been able to reach her either."

Katie stood up from her chair, walking over to them, "Okay, that is so not like Kara. How about Leah?"

Winn shook his head, "I haven't heard from her since last night."

All three spoke at the same time, "We should call Alex."

The group rushed to the apartments, Katie actually flew, she might as well use her powers when there was a lot of solar radiation in the air. She landed behind the complex, getting in her normal clothes, following them in.

"They're not out on DEO business."

Winn sighs, "There is nothing on the news about Supergirl or Captain Marvel."

"I got a bad feeling about this. Katie, you have your key?"

"Yeah-" Alex kicked open the door, "Nevermind. That works too."

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