Chapter 15

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"This is why I'm not nice to people. One compliment, and now you're coasting. What is taking you so long?"

Katie almost dropped what she was doing, "Hey, I'm only an IT girl, you know. I just... The last time I hooked up a live feed was for the high school AV club, okay?"

"Well, the last time I did a live broadcast was to end my award-winning talk show. So you and I are both returning to our roots."

Katie tugged something out, looking at Miss Grant in terror, "I broke something. I'm so sorry, Ms. Grant." Her voice began to stammer, "This isn't gonna work. I..."

"Normally, I would fire you and replace you instantly, but we're short-staffed. So instead I will inspire you. Even I was like you once. Before all of this, I was, well... I was a, um, sought-after media pundit and a celebrated magazine editor. But..."

"That's like me because..."

"Because before that, I was a humble wannabe journalist with the heart of a real journalist. Now, there are real stories out there..."

Cat began to fumble with all of the wires, freaking Katie out, "That's not going to help."

"...and they're not getting reported because Maxwell Lord is sucking up all the air with his negativity."

"And Supergirl's not here to lift everyone's spirits."

"So I will. And you, humble IT girl, will rise to the occasion and help me save this city."

Katie sighs, plugging a wire into a camera, she looked up and jumped, "Oh! Oh! I did it! I did it!"

"You see, Kathy. That's the story. Ordinary people like you, used to doing mundane and small things, finding themselves in the midst of a crisis doing something extraordinary. Heroes. Now, go find someone to do my makeup." Cat tapped the table, "Chop chop."

"For the... Got it. Yeah, okay."

"Actually!" Cat stopped her, "Turn." Katie turned her body around, "You will do, it seems you can do a decent job at makeup, hurry up over here."


Leah sat up, "Winn, what is happening?"

Winn flicked the TV on so Leah could see what was going on, "There was an earthquake."

"Oh my God." Leah struggled to stand, her whole body felt extremely sore, "Ugh."

"You have a fever, part of the symptoms tend to be a sore body, so you're not going anywhere." Winn made her lay back down.

"Won't you get sick from being close to me."

"Well I'm used to having fevers, I'll live. You on the other hand."

"I'm fine, Winn, really, I just don't want anyone getting hurt-"

"And I understand that." Winn sighs, sitting down beside her, "But you can't get yourself hurt in the process. I can't lose you, Leah, I just can't."

Leah lifted her hand up to place on his cheek, "I'm not going anywhere, Winn, I'm right here. Always and forever."

"You can't promise me that."

"I know I can't." Leah smiles kindly at him, "But I can promise I'll try my best to do so."

Winn smiled, "I'd kiss you if you weren't sick."

"I know."


"People of National City. This is Cat Grant, coming to you from Catco Plaza. We've just, minutes ago, restarted our broadcasting capabilities." Cat sighs, dropping her pen and pulling off her glasses, "Look. We're all suffering through a major disaster. Now, you could react to this crisis by being petty and divisive or preying on other people's fears. And after all, it is human to be selfish. But isn't it also human to face our weaknesses and rise above them? Act like a superhero, even if you aren't one? It's true. Supergirl has not been located yet. But her spirit stays with us, her insistence on seeing the best in people, a call for us to heed our better angels. Supergirl has faith in us. So let's have a little faith in her. Supergirl will return when we need her most. Until then, we need to help each other. Call us, share your stories of heroism. Let's show the world what we're really made of. And, no, we can't do what Supergirl does, but... We must choose to do what we can."

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