Chapter 12

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"That nasty pig! He did what!?" I heard Naomi's voice.

"Shush! Not so loud. I don't want to remind her of what happened!" I heard Best's attempt at whispering but his hoarse voice gave him away.

After school, Naomi, Best and I decided to go visit TJ. I told my mum to take Bukky home that I had an injured friend to visit and of course, she agreed. So here we were, walking down the pavement, on our way to his house, we had just gotten down from a bus we took. Best was recounting my ordeal at the cafeteria to Naomi. They were a few feet behind me, they purposely let me walk ahead of them so they could talk, they didn't know I had been hearing them, but chose to ignore them. I really didn't feel like talking about Bola so I was grateful.

"Oh God, Best, you're so stupid." Naomi moaned in disappointment. I didn't have to look back to know that she threw her head back whilst doing that. Yeah, I had come to know her that well.

"I know I know, but what was I supposed to have done? Nero had -" Best tried to defend himself.

"Nero nothing. For God sake dude, grow some balls!" Naomi replied, her tone was heavy with annoyance.

"You don't have to insult me, I already feel like crap about It. I haven't been able to look her in the eyes directly because I feel so ashamed that I couldn't defend -"

awwe, Best....

"Yes oh... You better shame well oh. In fact, If you jump in front of this bus now, It'll be obvious you were ashamed."

Oh Naomi...

At this point, they weren't even whispering again, they had forgotten I could hear them. They probably thought since I wasn't saying anything, I couldn't hear them.

"Sometimes I wonder if you're actually my friend or the devil's latest incarnate." Best said with a sigh, I could picture him shaking his head.

Naomi laughed. "Oh come on. I'll admit it, the thought of pushing you into road did cross my mind - kidding!" She chuckled and continued. "I don't like the fact that you didn't try to defend her but I guess I can look past it... Just as long as she's not mad at you."

Don't worry Best, I'm not mad at you...

I know what It's like not having a back bone.

"Yeah, I'll -"

"Hey guys, this is it, right?" I asked, stopping at the front of a two storeyed building.

It was painted sky blue and white with a darker shade of blue for the roof, the gate was black, and very short. I could see a woman washing clothes by the tap on the wall of the compound and two elderly men having a drink whilst conversing in Urhobo.

Naomi and Best were standing by my side in no time.

"I don't know, I vaguely remember it. I've only been here twice." Naomi replied.

"Yeah, It's the house. I come here every Saturday, come on let's go." Best replied whilst adjusting his back pack properly on his shoulders.

Best walked through the gate, Naomi and I followed suit, a few eyes landed on us as we walked.

"Una good afternoon oh! (good afternoon all!)" Best hollered at the elders.

Naomi and I quickly greeted too, adding a curtsey. The woman washing by the tap answered us, but the two old men glared at us.


"Auntie?" Best politely beckoned her.

"Ehen, oyileh. How you dey na? (white man, how are you?)" The woman smiled softly at Best who blushed.

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