Project Fight Rape

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He is a newcomer, oblivious to the evil lurking in every nook and cranny of this world.

He comes forth with a gift - innocence. He wears a smile the old can never create.

Every sky has a silver lining and everyone is a recipient of his exuberance.

It is inevitable that time will visit him and open his eyes so he should be left to relish in the gift that is childhood innocence.

Why would you want to steal that all from him? What would it profit you? Would you then gain his innocence as yours?

Why would you want to poison one's soul, taint their vision so all they can see is dark?

She may be older and she may wear very little or tight clothes but she does so because she wants to.

She wears make up because she wants to, she sways her hips because she wants to, she is who she is.

She is comfortable in her own skin, she is self-aware of her beauty but she never donned a sign that said - "I am yours for the taking."

She doesn't accentuate herself to incite them, because even with a different face, body and attire, the cowards would still strike.

Everyone's entitled to their own opinion but saying rape was instigated by the victim makes you just as bad as the perpetrator.

It's like saying - you incited death by crossing the road. Or you incited theft by flaunting your wealth. Or you incited kidnap by showing off your child

There's no sense in that, what we should be doing is fighting these perpetrators, these thieves who have come to steal our souls

Rape sometimes leads to death or it could leave you in a very dark place, a world of misery and pain.

Not many people are strong enough to pick up the pieces and restart their lives. Not many people are strong believers, with faith as lofty as Mt. Kilimanjaro.

There is a thing called justice and It should be served. Justice could sometimes mean simply speaking up, even when no action is taken.

Only way to heal is to speak up, even if the perpetrator isn't punished by the law, rest assured, he will be punished by God or Karma if you're an atheist.

You lie, steal, murder or rape, it will always come back to you no matter how long. We will all pay someday; no matter how trivial our sins may seem.

Sometimes, even clinging to repentance or remorse, these perpetrators still have a hefty price to pay. And karma truly exists.

Rape is a crime, a disease. We do live in a world of never ending problems but let's take a step to fighting rape.

If you know someone or you have been so much as touched in the wrong places, it may not be easy but you need to speak up. Talk to your family, there is justice when you speak up even if the odds are stacked up against you.

Thank you...


I used 'He' at the beginning because even boys are victims of rape. So that 'He' represents both our boys and girls.

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