Chapter 22

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I would like to say a very big thank you to you all, my readers, thanks for not giving up on my book. And for these two girls: toyosibby and EnjeckCleo. You have shown my book tremendous love and support, with your votes and comments. Thank you very much... ✊💞


     When I got home, I discarded my uniform and took a shower. I got dressed in a pair of knee-length denim shorts and a red graphic tee. I left my room to go see my mum, she seemed a little under the weather earlier this morning, I walked down the passageway and stopped before her door.

     The door was halfway open, I could hear my little sister's soft voice as she uttered poetic words, mum would throw in deep breaths of satisfaction, encouraging her to carry on.

     I pushed the door further open and found them both on the bed, my mother laid propped against the headboard by pillows, her legs were underneath the comforter, Bukky was lying on her stomach, her elbows were propped on a pillow as she read from her journal.

"... I found happiness but It cost me my soul

I thought I knew joy, but joy has left me in this hole

Let me see good in you, just so I can keep my sanity

I built my world around you, now its become vanity..."

"That was beautiful..." Mum said throatily. "How old are you again?"

I chuckled.

"Soon to be eleven, mum..." Bukky replied, I could tell she was smiling.

"I know, baby... You're just so special."

"Mum, as a mother..." Bukky paused and took a deep breath. "What is it you wish for Lola and I?"


"Everything I ever wanted for myself..."

Every thing you ever wanted for yourself, and not what you have now...

     I made my presence known by walking up to them, acting like I hadn't been listening in. I sat close to my mother and pressed the back of my hand against her forehead, she still had a fever. I enquired if she had eaten, she replied yes. I doubted her, so I told her I would be back, she told me not to go anywhere that she would be sending me on an errand in about an hour's time.

     Bukky caught on to what I was doing and followed me, when we got to the kitchen, I brought out a tuber of yam and fresh fish from the freezer. It took us about forty minutes but together, Bukky and I made Yam and fresh fish pepper soup, a good remedy for fever.

     By the time we got to the room, mum was already asleep. I wouldn't have It though, I tapped her shoulder, she stirred and ran her hands over her face as she sat up.

"Is that Pepper soup...?" She asked as I helped her sit up. Bukky placed the tray on the bed, next to her. "You girls are my angels..."

Bukky and I giggled, she beckoned us closer for a hug, we rushed into her arms, she held us tight – as comfortably as she could whilst sitting – and planted kisses on the crown of our heads. "I love you both."

"We love you too, mum." My sister and I chorused.

"Hmmm, smells nice..." Mum uttered as she lifted the bowl in her hands, bringing it closer to her face.

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