That Evening (In Which Everyone Goes to Earth Rumble Eight)

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Zuko: Suki, I fail to understand why after three years you still insist on bodyguarding me.

Suki: (Silver Kyoshi mask glinting in the moonlight) As I've made perfectly clear, my lord, our village owes a great debt to you for repaying tenfold on behalf of the Fire Nation. Besides, we both have friends here.

Ty Lee: (Bubbly personality contrasting with the serious expression on her mask) Plus, I've never gotten to see an Earth Rumble before! It's a win-win for everyone here!

(As Zuko and his Kyoshi bodyguards travel alongside a large congregation come to witness the rumble, a nearby girl takes notice of the Fire Lord)

Zuko: ...Jin??

Jin: (Regrets looking in his direction) Uh, (bows) F-Fire Lord Lee! ...Oh! I mean-

Zuko: The... the bow's not necessary.

Jin: Oh, um, sorry.

Zuko: No, it- it's not your... it's fine. You're fine. I'm fine. We're all fine.

(Unexpectedly long pause)

...So... how are affairs in Ba Sing Se?

Jin: Th- ...they are fine, Fee- I mean, Fire Lord.

Zuko: ...That's... good to hear.

Ty Lee: (Thinking no one will notice since they can't see her mischievous expression) Mmmmmmmmmm!

Suki: (Shushes her)

Zuko: ...Shall! ...We continue?

Suki: As you wish, my lord.

Zuko: (Massages his nose, embarrassed from being called "my lord" for the umpteenth time)

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