Within the Stadium

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Jin: So... how are things in the Fire Nation?

Zuko: You're- they're- lovely... pretty! Pretty good. They are well.

Jin: ...Your uncle is doing well. He... makes good tea.

Zuko: Mmm? Oh! He does! Of course he does... Iroh has always been a tea enthusiast.

Jin: It shows. He talks about you often, when he plays Pai Sho with me. It's taken a while to get used to... you not being there, but that can't be helped. Apart from that... not much has changed, has it?

Zuko: ...Guess not. Are you meeting someone here?

Jin: I don't think so.

Zuko: Then, by all means! (Checks himself) That is... I'd be happy for you to accompany us, if you're interested.

Jin: (Smiles, then bows) I'd be honored, Fire Lord Zuko.

(Other old friends soon catch up with Zuko)

Sokka: What's burning, Burnie McBurnsie?

Zuko: (Places a hand on Sokka's shoulder) My Water Tribe friend... your shirt is what's burning.

Sokka: (Glances at his own shoulder) That's really funny, Fire Lord. Extremely funny.

Katara: (Splashes Sokka with water to put out fire)

Sokka: As was that.

Katara: See, Sokka? Fake water bending won't save you if your shirt is actually on fire.

Sokka: I beg to differ! I just didn't bring my A-game tonight.

Aang: What other games are there?

Sokka: My G-game, my R-game, my S-game- I've got game.

Toph: And so will I.

Sokka: What?

Toph: What?

Aang: Where's Bumi? I can't find him anywhere!

Nearby Omashu Guard: The king is relieving his waters, but will allow the Rumble to continue without him.

Sokka: But he's going to miss the best part!

Nearby Omashu Guard: The king told me to tell you to not be worried about him, that he is relieving his waters, and that the Rumble will begin without him. That is all he told me to tell you, and now I have told you what he told me to tell you. (Leaves)

Katara: ...Well, I guess we'd better find good seats... hopefully ones that aren't up front this time.

Sokka: You still remember that?

Katara: Four years isn't that long a time, Sokka.

Aang: ...I think it is... which is probably ironic, but still.

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