Not in the Bathroom (Rather, at a Small Outdoor Café)

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Toph: Convinced I'm going to win yet?

Sokka: Never doubted.

Toph: You flatter me!

Sokka: It's easy to flatter you. All I have to say is "you're the greatest earth bender in the world" or "you're the strongest person I've met" or "I think I'm in love".

Toph: What?

Sokka: What?

Aang: Katara, Toph, why don't you two wait here while Sokka and I get drinks?

Katara: Okay fine, but only if Sokka agrees to not get-

Sokka: I know, I know, cactus juice is a no-go.

(Katara and Toph sit down while Aang and Sokka walk up to the owner)

Owner: The avatar! It is an honor to serve you this evening.

Aang: Thanks! I try. I'll have a mango with some berries mixed in.

Owner: And for you, sir?

Sokka: I'll have a cac-

Aang: (Lightly taps Sokka's head with his staff)

Sokka: That is to say, I'll settle for a bacui and sea prune mix. Oh, and a white dragon apple and papaya plum blossom. You got all that?

Owner: Absolutely! Feel free to use the counter seats until your orders are ready! (Leaves to prepare drinks)

(Aang and Sokka sit down)

Sokka: ...You're in love with my sister.

Aang: (Catches himself staring in her direction) Am not.

Sokka: Are so. Have you told her yet?

Aang: Sort of. You remember when we started being... a couple?

Sokka: You were twelve. Nothing ever comes of relationships that start at the age of twelve.

Aang: What's your point?

Sokka: You've both matured since then. I think if you gave it another shot, she'd show interest.

Aang: You really think so?

Sokka: Aang, you and I have known each other for how long?

Aang: Less than the hundred and sixteen years I've lived on this planet.

Sokka: That's not the point. Look, we've all been through a lot together, and now that I'm taking a break from my project, it's starting to dawn on me just how much I've missed watching you trying to flirt.

Aang: What do you mean, "trying"?

Sokka: Nothing important.

Aang: ...In any case, thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate it. While we're on the subject, what's with you and Toph?

Sokka: I don't know, Aang. What is with me and Toph?

Aang: Well, it seems like you two are pretty close, even though we all kind of dissembled.

Sokka: Toph's just... she's easy to talk to, I guess. That's all.

Aang: If you say so.

(Meanwhile, at Toph and Katara's table)

Toph: Do you like Aang?

Katara: Yeah... our relationship kind of faded ever since we found out about Zuko's mom, but after all that's been said I kind of just wish he'd ask me out.

Toph's Vacation: an Avatar Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now