The Basic B*tch is the type of girl who doesn't really seem to have... How can I say this nicely?... They don't seem to have a personality. Or anything individual about them. They're just a carbon copy of a million other girls wearing high waisted skinny jeans and Adidas tops, sipping on Starbucks' drinks. They only music they listen to is in the charts, and they are social media OBSESSED.
The Basic B*tch doesn't seem to found anywhere without her 'squad' which is basically four other versions of herself. You'll find them hanging around the city, shopping, taking selfies and b*tching about people. There isn't anything that makes them stand out, they don't seem to have anything that they do except text their friends and post selfies with snapchat filters.
Types Of People In Life
RandomThis world is filled with some pretty amazing people. It's also filled with some pretty annoying people. This book is filled with the types of people you see everyday. The good, the bad and the downright intolerable.