Chapter 3 - Beautiful gifts

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Freyana's POV

I woke up and put on my usual training attire which was boots, some brown pants and a emerald long sleeved top. Tying my hair up in a ponytail, even when it is tied up it still reaches the middle of my back.

I ran down to the dining hall for breakfast to find my brothers listening and laughing to stories the dwarves were telling. They looked so happy, I don't think I've ever seen the laugh that much before.

"Good morning princess Freyana" Gloin said to me as I took my seat next to my brothers.

"Good morning" I said looking around at the dwarves. Kili nodded to me as I caught eye contact with him. I returned the nod and began eating.

Gendry nudged me and said "you fancy him don't you" I immediately went red.

"No I don't, although he is nice on the eyes. I have no time for men, I must practise strengthening my powers" I replied quietly to make sure no one heard.

After breakfast I collected two sheaths of arrows and met Kili in the back courtyard of the castle. I tossed one of the to him.

"What are these for? I thought you were showing me your powers?" He asked me.

"Oh I am but I want to see how good of an archer you are" I replied with a smile. Drezan was laid near one of the large water fountains, I walked over to her and gave her a tickle behind the ears.

"I hear your thoughts Frey, keep them clear of him. You know what can happen if you're distracted. Someone could get hurt if you can't control your powers" Drezan spoke through her mind.

"I know I'm trying to keep my mind clear, it isn't that easy you know" I replied to her. "Come on" I say to Kili as I climb on Drezan.

"What? You want me to ride on that? I would prefer to ride a pony" he said backing away.

"Her name is Drezan and she won't hurt you, now come one" i hold out a hand to him. He takes walks foward and takes it. I pull him up onto Drezan's back.

"Hithar" which means ride in the old tongue of the elementals. We set off up to the hill where me and my brothers practice.

Once we were there we dismounted and I set up the targets.

"So what exactly can you do with your powers?" Kili asked me.

"I can heal, shoot icicles, make it snow and I've been practicing creating materials and furniture" I reply to him.

"Wow that's quite a skill set to have" he says "can you show me the healing and the icicles"

"Of course" I reply. I stand infront of him and extend my arm with my palm facing upwards. I produce a icicle from my hand.

"Why isn't it melting?" He asked in a confused tone.

"I make them so they don't melt" I reply. I then retract it back into my hand. Doing this enables me to regain the energy used to make the icicle. I turn and face the targets a few meters away and do what I did yesterday with my brothers. I sent four icicles towards to targets, they hit the centre of the targets.

"Impressive... Now its my turn" he notches an arrow at a target. It would of hit the centre except my icicles are strong and impenetrable, therefore the arrow fell to the floor. "so your ice is stronger than I thought" he said to me.

"Would you like to something else?" I asked him

"Go on then" Kili replied folding his arms.

I crafted an arrow of ice and shot it at the target, it broke through the icicles that were on the target.

"I'm astonished... You would be of good use on our journey" he said to me "could you show me the healing now?"

"If I show you I will need to cut your hand, but only if you're okay with that?" I asked hoping he would decline the offer to cut his hand. Without hesitation he took an arrow from his sheath and made a cut into his hand. I was shocked at his willingness.

I concentrated hard. Holding his hand I drew circles around the cut with my finger and made a thin layer of ice. It melted into the cut and it started to heal. Within seconds the cut had gone and there was no scar.

"Oh my god! That's brilliant" Kili said lifting his hand up and checking out my handiwork.

"Thank you, it took me quite a while to learn that skill" I replied to him. I walked over to the targets and soaked up the icicles I made and took Kili's arrow out. I handed the arrow back to him and we climbed back onto Drezan and headed back.

---- Kili's POV ----

I walked with Freyana back to her room. Just like last night we stopped at her door.

"I will see you at dinner" she said. She was so beautiful, her golden eyes were so big and bright.

"I had fun today, thank you... You have beautiful gifts" I smiled her as she blushed.

"I had a great day, not many people appreciate my power like you do, its nothing special amongst my people because we all have powers" she said before going into her room.

I stood for a while thinking of her and her beauty before going to find Thorin. I'm going to ask Thorin to invite her on the rest if our journey, her powers would be very useful to us. She has a very good aim and the healing power would come in handy.


I found the others in the main hall talking with Gendry and Merron. Those boys fit in nicely. Surely they would love to join us as well. But I think then we would be asking too much of the king. We would be taking his children and not being able to promise their return.

"Thorin! May I speak to you for a moment" I called to him.

"Of course you may" he replied getting up from where he was sat and walking out into the corridor "What is it kili?"

"I.. I need to ask you something" I hadn't really planned how I was going to ask him so it just came out "could you invite Freyana on the rest of the journey? ...I mean, I've seen her powers and her aim. She is a good fighter and she has the power to heal. She would be useful on our quest"

He just stared at me for a while. I guess he was weighing the pros and cons of having a female on the journey.

"Alright, but say nothing to anybody but the company. I want to ask her father at dinner tonight" he replied.

"Thank you" I said giving my a thump on the back to show my appreciation. We re-joined the the rest of the company. I was thinking in my head of how she may react to our invitation. I could tell that she was sick of being stuck in this castle. I could sense she craved for an adventure.

So here it is. The third chapter. Hope you like it. I'm excited to continue writing this story. I have good plans for the next chapter. Thanks for reading :)

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