Chapter 9- Bard

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I can't believe how long I've left this and the reads of the story have gone up so much oh my gosh! Anywho sorry this took so long to upload and sorry if its short I've been busy with exams and writers block and i will hopefully try get some more written to update again soon:)


He shot an arrow at Dwalin which hit the branch he was holding and then shot the stone out of Kili's hand that he was about to throw.

I moved slowly, I fashioned a now and arrow of ice and pointed it at the man.

"You're not the only one with a weapon my friend" I said to him. His eye quickly shot to me. I took a deep breathe, I was trying to stay calm. I knew in the back of my mind what kind of arrow they shot Kili with. I needed to heal him. But I barely had the strength to.

"You're from laketown?" Balin said to the man. His broke our eye contact and lowered his bow and so did I. He looked to Balin now.

Whilst Balin talked to the man I tried to heal Kili's leg. No matter how much I tried I couldn't create a healing ice layer strong enough.

"I'm sorry, I can't do anything just yet. I need more strength" I whispered to Kili. I felt so guilty, I could tell he was in pain.

"Its fine, I'm alright really it doesn't hurt. Don't worry my love I will be fine" he tried to convince. I placed my lips on his gently. He meant everything to me and I needed him to know.

Kili's POV:

Balin had managed to convince the man to take us to laketown. We all stepped onto his boat and started sailing along. I set next to Freyana and held her in my arms. She was shivering from the cold. You would of that it didn't bother her because of the ice powers.

The pain in my leg grew stronger. But I needed to make her think I was fine, i couldn't have her worrying. Her mind needed to be clear, she needs to stay focused, she is the only defence we have. Everybody was on edge. We had no idea if we could trust the man or not.

We soon learnt that his name was bard. We moved slowly across the lake. A thin mist lingered eerily in the air. As we were counting the money we were to pay him we caught sight of the lonely mountain. Everybody stood and looked at it in awe, our home, we should all return soon.

Freyana's POV:

All the dwarves stood and stared at the mountain. My mind was racing with thoughts of our next steps closer to the mountain. We gave Bard his money and he told us to hide in the barrels as we went off and spoke to a man on a dock.

His footsteps came back with a few others following, then suddenly all our barrels, with us inside them, were filled to the brim with fish. I had to stop myself from throwing up a few times on our way to Laketown. The rest of the journey was spent waiting for a signal to come out of the barrel.

Some time later we were aloud to come out. I took a large gulp of fresh, less fishy, air. I looked round to see if Kili was okay. I could tell he was in pain but was trying hard to hide it from me. I observed my surroundings and saw a small, dull town with lots of people staring at us in shock. Bard payed people off and let them take the fish and led us to his house, but through a short cut that had is going into the icy water and coming into his house through his toilet.

His daughters were pretty. They were also very curious as to why we were there. They helped clean us up and gave us new clothing. We were to rest and plan before moving again towards the lonely mountain.

Thanks for reading :)

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