Chapter 4 - and so it begins

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Kili's POV:

Dinner was approaching and I was getting more nervous by the minute. I had no idea how she would react or if her father would even allow her to come with us. I couldn't sit still, my leg was bouncing up and down on the bench that I was sat on. Me and Fili were sat in our shared room with Thorin, Balin and Dwalin. All except Thorin, who was pacing back and forth on the balcony, were sat smoking our pipes. I was following Thorin with my eyes. Although it was starting to make me dizzy.

All of a sudden Fili slapped a hand on my bouncing knee and stopped it.

"Will you sit still?!" He shouted. It made me jump out if my trance.

"Sorry I just have a lot on my mind" I said apologetically.

"What? Are you thinking about that princess?!" He said "look you're going red! You like her! Too bad she is way out of your league" this made everyone in the room laugh.

"So what if i like her and she is not out of my league" I replied.

Fili smiled at me and said "don't worry brother i was just messing around" he lightly slapped me on the back.

"I wonder when dinner will be ready, I'm starting to get hungry" Balin said.

"Hopefully soon, maybe then Thorin will stop pacing" Dwalin said to his brother. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Balin said. It was George, he was the kings right hand so to say.

"Dinner is about to be served in the dinner hall" he said bowing before leaving. Dwalin called Thorin back into the room and we all walked down together.

Freyana's POV:

I finished tying my hair in to a messy bun with some curls at the front and fixed my head piece so it was comfortable when there was a knock at the door.

"You can come in" I called back to the person behind the door. George came in.

"You look beautiful princess.... When you're ready dinner is about to be served" he said bowing and leaving.

Just before he left I managed to say thank you before standing up and straightening my dress. I was wearing a deep purple dress that went to just about the floor. It had long flowing chiffon sleeves and a slit down one side near my leg. I had put some black pumps on that tied with a silk ribbon. Once I was satisfied with how I looked I made my way to the dinner hall.

As usual I walked with my brothers to dinner. They wouldn't stop going on about all the adventures some of the dwarves had been on. I could tell they were wanting to leave the city as much as I was.

After dinner was served my father asked me to sing him one of the songs my mother used to sing to me when I was younger. I sang my favourite my mother said it was called into the west (quick note: this is the song from the ending credits from LotR: return of the king)

Once I finished singing everyone applauded me. I had to hold back my emotions of the song as it reminded me of my mother. When I sat back down my father placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. I could see the tears in his eye threatening to spill over. Everyone continued with their conversations.

Then all of a sudden Thorin stood up and cleared his throat. Silence fell in the room and all eyes were on him. He didn't seem to mind, it was something he was used to being an authority figure and all.

"King Trayus, I would like to ask you and you're daughter, princess Freyana, a very important question" oh god what is doing I thought.

"Ask away, I'm all ears" my father replied looking at Thorin intently.

"Well it has come to light that your daughter is a very skilled archer and her powers would be excellent in combat. Along with her power to heal. It seems that she has a lot to offer that is yet to be discovered" come to light, you mean kili told you I thought "therefore we want her to join us on our journey to retake our mountain"

At this point I had my drink in my hand that was now all over the table. They wanted me to go with them. I sat in shock and confusion. My father didn't look too happy either. His fists were clenched on the table. I've never seen him like this in my entire life. He stood up slowly and I could do nothing but watch him. At first he tried to speak but he held himself back trying to remain calm.

"You... Want to take m-my daughter on a journey that could possibly mean I never see her again? AND YOU EXPECT ME TO JUSY ACCEPT AND WATCH HER GO TO HER OWN DEATH!" I jumped at him shouting.

"Father... Father please calm down! You have to calm down they obviously don't know" I told my him putting both hands on his shoulder and trying to get him to look me in the eye. "You know I'm sick of being stuck here, I have never been outside the city walls. I need to go and be free so please I am begging you. Please... Please let me go"

He started to calm down and slowly relaxed his body and sat down. I looked around the table to see everyone watching carefully. They obviously didn't expect dinner to go this way.

"I apologise for my fathers outburst.. You see I had an older brother, whom we don't really talk about any more. He went hunting one day outside the city and he was killed by orcs. Ever since then my father decided that none of us could leave the city I fear that we would suffer the same fate" I said trying to conceal the shakiness of my voice "however, i do accept your invitation and will join, but only if my father says so"

Kili's face lit up at the news of my acceptance. But now all eyes were on my father waiting. His response. I sat back in my seat and waited too.

Nobody talked for ten minutes, my father was still sat in the same position he was in after his outburst of rage. The only sound was that of him tapping his fingers over and over and over again.

I broke the silence when I couldn't take it anymore.
"My god father will you please just hurry up and give me an answer?!" I shouted "you know how powerful I am... You know how much I've wanted this so please don't make me ask you again just give me an ans-"

"Alright fine you can go, but here me when is at this" he was now looking round to thorin and company "she will return, you will make sure she returns in one piece and alive"

"Very well then, it seems we have a new member to the company" Gandalf said clapping his hands together. "We will be setting off again the day after next, so make sure you are prepared and ready to go Princess Freyana"

I smiled in delight at my father and brothers. Although they seemed slightly disappointed I was going and not them.


"Don't worry I will tell you everything about my adventure when I come back. But now I must go and pack for this adventure" I said to Merron and Gendry as we were walking back to our rooms. I could hardly contain my excitement.

When I walked to my door I saw Kili stood again the frame. He saw me coming and stood up straight and smiled. I walked over to him.

"Welcome to the company princess" he said before placing his arm around me and pulling me in close and kissing me softly but deeply.

He let go, winked at me and walked away.

"Goodnight" I called to him as he walked down the corridor away from me.

Wooo chapter 4! Hope you liked it because I know I did. Well onto the next chapter where the adventure really begins. Seriously thought I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Thanks for reading :)))

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