Chapter 7 - Escaping the cells

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Here it is! The seventh chapter! I realised I haven't really mentioned Drezan much, but in the chapters to come i will include her more. I also realised there hasn't been much kili and Freyana contact in detail so there will be more of that


Kili's POV

Being stuck with the elves in the woodland realm was torture. The cells were cold and small. My mind was racing with terrible thoughts. What if the male elves took Freyana for themselves. She was so beautiful that the elves probably wouldn't be able to resist.

These thoughts angered me. I realised my fists were clenched ready for action. It would take too much precious energy to act out.

My mind was also racing with thoughts of the lonely mountain and if we would reach it in time.

When we knew the elves weren't around we would try to whisper to each other from our cells. Thorin was in the cell to my right and Bifor and Bofur were in the cell on my left. Fili and Freyana were in the cell next to them. I was glad my brother was with her, I knew he could keep her safe. This gave my mind some form of ease.

Freyana's POV

We waiting in the cells for what seemed like days. We were all anxious as we knew Durins day was approaching. Kili had told me that Durins day was our only chance to find the door into the Erebor.

I woke up on the cold floor of the cell. Fili was kind enough to lend me his thick coat to use as a blanket. He was sat looking out the door of the cell.

"Good morning, well at least I think its morning" I said to him. My body was sore from the floor.

"Good morning to you too.. You sleep well?" Fili asked me.

"No not really, did you?" I asked him. I stood up to stretch my body.

"I hardly slept at all, to much to think about" he replied still looking out at the dungeons.

"Bilbo will be out there finding a way to get us, although i do wish he would hurry up" I whispered to him and when I sat down opposite him leaning against the wall of the small cell. "Thanks for the coat as well"

He looked to me and smiled. "I'm not sure our hobbit is capable of getting us out of a place like this. Nobody leaves these cells unless king Thranduil commands it" I couldn't reply to him, I didn't know what to say. It seemed that not many of the dwarves have much faith in Bilbo.

To pass the time i re-braided my hair. How I couldn't wait to be back home and properly washed. I got lost in the thought of home. I thought about when I first met Kili and our time we spent together.

"Could you not use you're powers to get us out? Break the door with ice?" Fili interrupted my thoughts.

"Its too dangerous, we can't see out there properly, anybody could be watching" I told him "the only way to stop people noticing would be to use noctrian dorath, but I hadn't mastered that properly, I always had to be close to them"

"What's noctrian dorath?" he asked me.

"Noctrian dorath means enchanted snow, its snowflakes that have an enchantment on them. I can put a concealment charm on it and other charms that I can use on people. If the snows touches them I can trick their mind to see something that isn't there" I said to Fili. He just nodded and that was the end if it. We didn't talk any more. We just sat occupied in our own thoughts.

I used my connection with Drezan, who was in owl form, I could see that she was flying above the Woodland realm. I took on her feels of the wind in her feathers and the sun beaming down on her. It was intoxicating.

Hours past when suddenly bilbo appeared with Thorin, Balin and Dwalin along with a set of keys. Bilbo had found a way out.

"I have a plan but you all must be as quiet as you possibly can" he told us and the rest of the company each time he unlocked them from their cells.

Kili's POV

As soon as Bilbo opened the door to my cell I ran straight to Freyana. I had missed her company. I took her in my arms and took in every little detail about her. My feelings were growing even stronger.

We had to be as silent as we could. Once out of the hug I looked deep into her eyes. I admired how beautiful she was.

She looked back at me with a smile on her face. We connected on so many levels. I knew now that I had to make her mine and keep it like that until we die.

I put my hand on her chin and pulled her into me. I pressed my lips on hers. She kissed me back. Ignoring everyone around us the kiss deepened. Our tongues moving together.

We pulled away and I put my forehead against hers and giving her a gentle kiss.

"I wouldn't want to be with anybody else right now, you're my everything" I whispered to her "I never want to be without you"

"Please never leave me" she whispered back to me. I knew that she felt the same way.

I took her hand and we followed the company down many flights of stairs. We kept going down until we reach a big room with lots of wine and barrels. There were two guards out cold on a table behind a shelf of wine.

"What's going on?! Why are we here? How is this our escape plan?!" Freyana whispered angrily to Bilbo.

"Just trust me please!" He replied "now... If you will all get into a barrel"

Everyone looked at him in confusion. Whispered bickering arose.

"Get in the barrels" Thorin said. And with that we all climbed into the barrels.

"What do we do now?" Bofur asked Bilbo, who was stood opposite the barrels.

"Just wait" Bilbo told him.

Moments later he pulled a lever and we all went rolling down a ramp and plunged into cold water.

Thanks for reading, really hope you liked it :)

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