Chapter 5: Goodbyes and a beginning

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So here's chapter 5.

Freyana's POV

I woke up with butterflies in my stomach. Today was the day I start my adventure with the dwarves, bilbo and Gandalf. I kept replaying my kiss with kili in my head over and over. Does this mean he has feelings for me too. This journey would mean we are spending a lot of time together. Whilst he was at the castle I only saw him at meal times and the time we met up.

I had my breakfast brought to my room so I ate it whilst I was getting ready. I packed the rest of my bag and made my way to the main hall where I was meeting the company. I was wearing a dark blue tunic and black pants with knee high boots. My hear was in a braid that I placed over my left shoulder. Even in a braid it reached my waist.

Kili's POV:

We were all in the hall, me, thorin, Gandalf and Dwalin were discussing where we would go next. We decided to take the road through Mirkwood as it would conceal us from orcs and goblins.

"Now we have our heading where is Freyana, she should have been here already" Thorin complained. I was about to reply when Freyana came running in. She was so beautiful.

"Sorry I'm late I tried finding my brothers and my father, I still need to say goodbye" she said looking flustered.

"The king should be here soon, he told me he was coming to see us off" I said to her. We locked eyes and she started to blush. I could still feel her lips on mine.

The door opened and king and the two princes walked in. Freyana dropped her bags and ran to her brothers and hugged them. I couldn't imagine leaving my brother so lord knows what she is feeling right now.

Freyana's POV:

I hugged my brothers tightly, trying not to cry. I didn't want to let go, but I needed to get out of this castle and see the world. I'm sick of being cooped up in the city.

"Goodbye boys, I'm going to miss you so much. When i return I will tell you all about my adventure" I said giving them kisses on the cheeks. I walked over to my father and hugged him too"

"Good luck out there my love. Hopefully you come back in one piece. You look just like your mother, I see her in you all the time. She would have loved an adventure like this too" he said to me when he pulled away from the hug. He had tears in his eyes and this made me want to cry. I couldn't bear seeing him sad.

"Goodbye" I replied, my voice cracked because i was holding back crying.

I hugged him one last time and went and stood with the company who were waiting at the main door for me.

"Thank you for everything your majesty. I hope the supplies you gave us help in our journey. But now we have rested and regained strength we must once again go the road ahead" thorin said bowing to my father.

"Your most welcome, maybe one day I can come visit you in Erebor" my father replied bowing back. We then left the the hall and went to the front courtyard where the ponies with the supplies were waiting. I however would be riding Drezan. I attached my bag to her saddle. One thing people don't know about snow lions is that they can shapeshift into three animals. The first one, obviously, being a lion and Drezan can transform into an owl and a horse. Drezan was in horse form when on the journey to not attract to much attention to the company.

We lined up and I was next to Kili. Side by side in twos we marched out the city and on our way to Mirkwood. At first I felt awkward next to Kili because we hadn't talked since the kiss.

He broke the silence "good morning, did you get a good sleep?"

"Good morning to you to and yes I had a great sleep, did you? I replied.

"Yes I had a good sleep too. I think we need to talk" Kili said to me.

"I agree" I replied. Since we were at the back of line we slowed down a bit for more privacy.

"So... I ugh I guess I have some explaining to do" he said shyly.

"Yes you do" I said looking ahead.

"Well, to be honest, i do have feelings for you and that's why I kissed you, however I think its best to wait until after we return from this quest to act upon these feelings" Kili said to me, I could feel his eyes on me.

"I agree" I said, I couldn't think of anything else to say to him. I tried to process what he was saying.

"So do you have feelings for me as well?" He asked me, I looked at him and his eyes seems to make me melt inside.

"I... Well yes, i do have feelings for you" I replied to him smiling. He smiled back at me and winked again. I loved it when he did that. We caught up with the company and continued on the road to Mirkwood.

---a few days later---
Still Freyana's POV

Everything was going great. Me and Kili were getting to know a lot about each other. At nights we would sleep next to each other.

The supplies were lasting although we would need more to get us through Mirkwood. Gandalf suggested we stop off to visit someone called Beorn.

When we go there we found a large hairy man. His house was large and there was lots of animals. We only stayed a few days and he have us enough supplies to last us and water sacs. He have us lots of advice on what to do and what not to do whilst in Mirkwood.

And so we were off on the road again, this time we had no idea what laid ahead in the wood.

Hope you liked this chapter and thanks for reading. The next one should be up next week. Maybe even two chapters.

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