Chapter 6 - the cold darkness

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Sorry this chapter took so long, I had writers block and I wanted to make sure I took my time when writing it. I wanted to think this chapter out and put more thought and detail into it because I felt my last chapter wasn't good. But any who here it is hope you like it


Freyana's POV

This was it, the darkness that laid ahead was chilling. I could feel the cold gnawing at my bones through my skin. The wood had something ominous about it.

I put one in front of the other and walked through the elven gate officially stepping into Mirkwood. The journey to the other side would be difficult and it was making me nervous just to think about it. Gandalf had left us, he said that he had something to attend to elsewhere but he would meet us near the lonely mountain.

All the dwarves were giving each other worried looks and Bilbo looked on edge. I shared these feelings too. There was no guarantee we would make it to the other side, but we had to try. I kept kili near me at all times. We have grown very close throughout our journey together. My feelings for him grow stronger, but we agreed it was not wise to let these get in the way.

"Stick to the path and stay close together, we don't want anybody getting lost" Thorin called to the company.

Kili's POV:

Walking through Mirkwood was extremely uncomfortable, I could a thousand eyes watching me. Piercing my body, like tiny little pin pricks.

I was walking next to Freyana but a little bit behind her. I gently grabbed her hand, which startled her.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you... What were you looking at" I say to her quietly and pulling her closer to me.

"Its fine and I thought I could see something, but its hard to tell when its this dark" she replied to me. I could feel her hand trembling in mine. It was so cold here, it was worse at night time, we couldn't light fires because that's when the eyes got worse and creatures would be attracted to the light.

We continued walking in silence. The whole company did. Nobody had the energy to talk or the nerve to. Talking meant drawing attention from other things in the wood.

Days past, the wood seemed to go on for miles. We kept the same routine, I always slept close to Freyana at night. We kept each other warm.

Freyana's POV:

Bofur woke the company up. It was time to start walking again. We ate breakfast and set off again. Bilbo climbed a tree to look how far or close we were to the end.

I was in my own world staring into the darkness when I felt a sharp pain in my back. Everything started going black. That's when I passed out.

I woke up in covered in web. It engulfed my body. I gasped for breathe and struggled to move. I was trapper, but where were the others?

All of a sudden I could hear grunts and groan near by. I tried loosening my arms to start and try to get out. But then there was a weird screeching sound. My body stiffened.

Moments passed before kili was on top of me ripping the web off of me.

"Are you alright" kili kept asking me.

"Yes yes I'm fine what happened?" I asked him and giving him a hug.

"Spiders, come one help me free the others" he said letting I of me. We quickly got the others free and sorted our selves out.

"Where bilbo?!" Bofur shouted.

"I'm up here" Bilbo shouted back. All our heads shot up to where he was on a branch when he went tumbling back.

Swarms of spiders came rushing towards us. We all got started fighting them off. I shot icicles into a spider whose body fell at my feet. I turned and froze another spiders legs and then Fili and Kili killed it with their swords. Screeches from the spiders filled the air along with the grunts of the dwarves fighting them off.

I formed arrows of Ice and shot them at the spiders as fast as I could. I started to hear shouts that weren't coming from the dwarves or Bilbo who had came running back to the group. We were ambushed by elves.

A long haired blonde elf had a arrow ready to shoot inches away from Thorin's face when he said, "do not think I won't kill you, dwarf"

Thorin said nothing. We all stood as they searched us. The elf searching me was frisking me in places that weren't necessary.

"Be careful where you touch her!" Kili shouted to the elf "she has no weapons so stop!" I've never seen him look so angry.

"Get you're hands off me!" I said smacking the elves hands away but he only grabbed me tightly by the arm and dragged me along with the rest of the company.

We were taken from the forest and to the wood elves kingdom. We were at the gates when I realised Bilbo wasn't with us.

Once inside we were all taken to the dungeons and put in cells. I got put into a cell with Fili.

And now all we could do was wait, until hopefully Bilbo came back with a way out.

Thanks for ready. Hope you like it. Im going to take my time with the next chapter as well but Its already in the works. So it should be up next week at some point.

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