1: Resentment

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Every 13 year old needs a dark secret.

A pure lie.

A deep mistake.

And she knew that perfectly.

Because everybody hated her because of that

And here's her story.


It was a party night. The party from Candace, the most popular girl at school. Everybody loved the sexy girl who moved her booty while filming videos, the blonde who didn't feel any pity at all. The bad bitch, the girl that would do anything to destroy you for no reason.

The sexy bitch everybody loved. Marlene hated her. She had no friends. She only had her soul.

And every popular girl needed her squad, her little minions who would never leave her back. Candace had her friends: Sophia and Regina. They all bullied Marlene for fun. It was like a hobby, something so normal they didn't even care about her feelings.

That party night, Marlene just wore jeans and the whole thing. She was invited for nothing, just because Candace thought that it would be lovely to have some fun bullying her. Innocent Marlene, she decided to go. Let's turn to Candace, she was wearing a sexy, Chanel little black dress that impacted everybody. She had a wonderful body and style. Everyone seemed to fear her, but also adore her.

And then, the party begun. Candace was dancing with Chris. The hottie everybody wanted to fuck with. Candace and Chris were the dream couple, everyone wanted to be just them.

When the Candace and Chris dancing thing ended, they both had a big argument, as big as the sun and its light. They were obviously breaking up. And Marlene's smile was bigger than anything in the world. She would always dream of Chris. She dreamed of nights with him, of kissing him and even of having sex with him. Chris was the synonym of paradise for her.

Candace ran away right after the breakup and in tears. Chris went to the other side of the place and started talking to Sophia, minutes later, they were already kissing and fucking.

And 5 minutes after Sophia left. Then, Marlene and everybody in the party heard screams. They were very loud. They were pain screams, mixed with little droplets of pleasure.

Marlene, scared, ran after the screams. She knew something bad was happening to somebody. She ran and ran after the screams. She ran 10 streets and she stopped, she was shocked. 

A man was raping Candace in the streets. Marlene hit the man on the face and grabbed a helpless Candace, covered her with her jacket and started running away. She was bleeding and her face was purple because of the many times the man punched her.

The man ran after them. Marlene was very fast, so fast the man had no choice but to give up and run away.

Candace and Marlene arrived to the party and they saw police officers all over the place.

"I found her! I found Candace!" She yelled at everyone.

Everybody went to see what was going on. She tried to explain to the police and every single attendee but no one believed her.  They didn't look at her as a hero. They looked at her as if she were a bitch, the reason why Candace was raped.

"What did you do to Candace, fugly bitch?" Regina yelled and slapped Marlene, making her drop Candace's body on the hard pavement.

"What the fuck did you do?!" Sophia yelled.

"What did you do?" Chris arrived and slapped Meghan in her face "What. Did. You. Do! I need an answer!!! NOW!!!! Why did you drop her on the pavement? Are you crazy? BITCH!!!" Sais Chris, angry and pretending he was in pain for what he had seen.

"I didn't do a thing, I promise!" Marlene defended herself. "A man - -"

"A pure lie is good to uncover stuff, miss Lovett" the police officer said "You're arrested for provoking the raping of miss Candace Silvers."

"What? But I did nothing!" Marlene screamed as the handcuffs were taking control of her pale hands "I did nothing! Candace tell them! Tell them! Candace! I did nothing sir! I want a lawyer! I'm not spending a single night in your messy jails!" Marlene screamed and screamed continuously.

"Miss Lovett, you have the right to remain silent. Everything that you say Can and will be used against you in court." The policeman said calmly.

The paramedics picked Candace from the floor. The girl was unconcisious. Marlene screamed and screamed and screamed and begged for help, but everyone thought she was guilty. That she was guilty for something she didn't do.

And this is how Marlene's life came up ruined. How a deep mistake took her into a deep hole she couldn't get out of. How she developed resentment against Candace and Chris, and made the decision to ruin them just as they did to her.

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